North Sea

North Sea
North Sea
photo: North Sea
photo: North Sea

In the Atlantic Ocean, near the shores of northern Europe, there is a shallow shelf sea, which is called the North or German. It stretches between the Scandinavian, Jutland peninsulas, the British Isles and the continent.

Geographic details

The North Sea was formed due to the large-scale flooding of the lowlands of Eurasia with the waters of the Atlantic. This process took place during the Ice Age. Germany, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Great Britain and France have access to this sea. The North Sea map shows the largest Skagerrak Bay. Together with it, the sea area is about 565 thousand square meters. km.

This body of water is considered shallow, since its average depth is 95 m. During high tides, the water covers a vast area. The land is drained twice a day (ebb). As a result of this natural feature, a marshy plain was formed in the North Sea region, which stretches for 500 km. This is a unique reservation where there is a special flora and fauna. The North Sea connects with the Norwegian and Baltic Seas, the ocean and the Bay of Biscay. The varied coastline of the sea includes headlands, bays, fjords, cliffs, plains and lowlands. There are many islands near Norway.

The relief of the North Sea is flat, as its water area is located on the continental shelf. The reservoir has a slight slope in depth as it moves away from its boundaries. The North Atlantic Current flows through the sea, which is warm. As a result, ice does not form on the surface of the water. Ice fast ice can sometimes be seen off the northern shores. Large rivers flow into the sea: Elbe, Thames, Rhine, Scheldt.

Climatic features

The North Sea coast is affected by a temperate climate. The water area is subject to constant westerly winds. They bring fog and rain with them, they cause big waves. Therefore, shipping is difficult here.

Fauna and flora

Fauna and flora have developed in the North Sea in a similar way to the Barents and Norwegian Seas. But there are much more warm-water species here. More than 300 species of plants and over 1550 species of marine animals have been recorded in the water area. This sea contains phytoplankton, red, green and brown algae. Shallow depth, cool water and regular mixing of water masses by winds are favorable conditions for vegetation. The growth of algae causes the development of zooplankton. The North Sea has a rich fauna. There are mollusks, crustaceans, sea worms, fish, etc. Mammals are represented by such species as killer whales, dolphins, flipper-like whales, etc.
