Season in Nha Trang

Season in Nha Trang
Season in Nha Trang
photo: Season in Nha Trang
photo: Season in Nha Trang

Like all other resorts in Southeast Asia, Vietnamese Nha Trang has its own climatic features, which affect the weather in different seasons. Focusing on the forecast of meteorologists, you can choose the best season in Nha Trang and relax at the highest level.

Bay from the podium

One of the most beautiful bays in the world is considered to be the coast of the Vietnam Sea near the resort of Nha Trang. Here are the best beaches that are full at any time of the year. Seasoned tourists prefer to come to Vietnam during the so-called "low" season, when the inexperienced are afraid of rains and strong winds.

In reality, the rains promised by forecasters between September and November look like short showers, usually at night or late in the evening. By morning, their effects evaporate along with the first rays of the sun, and the freshness remains for almost the whole day. At this time, the territory of the hotels looks especially green and fragrant, and the prices, due to the "low" season, please those who are not used to paying extra for popularity and excitement. The air temperature at the resort in the fall is kept at around +30 degrees, and the water in the sea of Vietnam warms up to +26.

The high season starts at the Vietnamese resort in early December, when the rains stop, the high humidity is in the past, and the prices and the flow of tourists tend to rise in full accordance with the traditions.

Stability is a sign of skill

The temperature values of air and water in Nha Trang are very stable and almost do not differ depending on the season. In winter it can get colder up to +23, and in summer the thermometer sometimes shows +33. The sea may seem cold in January, but all the same, +24 degrees is quite comfortable water for most travelers who have escaped from the European winter slush or Siberian frosts. The average indicators do not exceed +27 and do not fall below +25 degrees for air and +27 for water.

Bonus for photographers and romantics

It is during the rainy season that especially beautiful sunsets can be observed in Nha Trang. The sun sets in heavy clouds that have come to the horizon in the evening, and arranges an elite photo session for everyone. Crimson and gold shades are mixed and pink and turquoise, and the sun disk, rapidly diving to rest, gathers all the vacationers on the promenade. Sunrise is a spectacle no less impressive also because a luminary rises directly from the sea, painting it in indescribable shades. Morning on local beaches is the season in Nha Trang for yogis, romantics and photographers.
