Description of the attraction
A future that you can touch with your hand - these words fully apply to Miraikan - the National Museum for the Development of Science and Innovation, opened by the Japan Science and Technology Agency in 2001.
What will happen to science and technology tomorrow or even the day after tomorrow is presented in this cultural institution, which is located in the Odaibo district of Tokyo. The most advanced achievements of Japanese scientists and engineers in the field of space exploration, robotics, chemistry, medicine and other branches of science are presented here. Even the secrets of how certain developments were made are revealed, and explanations are given of why all these things are needed by mankind in the near future. In addition, the museum often hosts seminars and lectures conducted by world-famous scientists and inventors, including Nobel laureates.
The most interesting thing is that all the exhibits of the Miraikan Museum are interactive, you can touch and try them in action. Children, entering the museum building, seem to enter the world of fantastic books. What is worth, for example, to see the main attraction - the Asimo android robot, which is 130 cm and 54 kg tall and weighs just like a child. He knows how to climb stairs, kick a ball, recognize moving objects and follow the trajectory of their movement, and even talk with people, and not with one person, but with three at once. Asimo responds to its name and responds to disturbing sounds.
In this museum, you are allowed to fly in a spaceship or go down to the seabed in a submarine, as well as survive an almost real storm. You can even assemble a person from life-size body parts.
In one of the sections of the museum, data is broadcast live from seismometers located throughout Japan, and these data clearly show that the Land of the Rising Sun is almost continuously "shaken".