Temple complex description and photo - Russia - Central district: Kineshma

Temple complex description and photo - Russia - Central district: Kineshma
Temple complex description and photo - Russia - Central district: Kineshma
Temple complex
Temple complex

Description of the attraction

The temple complex is located on a high steep bank of the Volga, at the confluence of the Kineshemka river, on the territory of a former fortress.

The earliest building of the complex - the Assumption Cathedral - was built in 1745 at the expense of the sexton I. A. Popov. At the beginning of the XIX century. a low vestibule was added to the western facade of the Assumption Cathedral. The temple was painted in 1855. Scenes from the Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles are placed on the walls in three tiers. Among them, the compositions "Angels at the Throne" stand out on the side walls. More unusual is the iconographic composition of the painting, located in three tiers on the pillars, which, in addition to traditional images of saints, includes compositions on the themes of the Gospel beatitudes, parables, scenes from the Apocalypse.

In 1798, a slender bell tower with a height of 87 meters was erected, in the appearance of which the Kostroma architectural traditions are clearly felt, and in 1838 the Trinity Cathedral was created according to the project of the architect I. E. Efimov. This is a monumental building in the classicism style; the interior of the temple was painted in the second half of the 19th century. In the dome is depicted the hosts of hosts, in the walls of the drum - the apostles and selected saints, in the lower part of the drum - four compositions on biblical and evangelical subjects, in the sails - evangelists. Gospel events are written on the slopes of the vaults and in the arms of the cross.

In the middle of the XIX century. the territory of the complex was surrounded by a stone fence with a wrought iron lattice and three gates.

