Description of the attraction
One of the main attractions of the city is the ancient castle of Castel del Ovo, the "castle of eggs", so named because of its configuration, stands on a tuff island of volcanic origin. Its history dates back to the times of Ancient Rome: the villa of Lucullus, famous for its abundant feasts, was located here. In the early Middle Ages, there was a monastic desert here, and in the XII century the first Varangian fortifications appeared, expanded in the XIV century by the Angevin rulers. At the end of the 15th century, the castle, damaged during the fighting, was completely rebuilt. Its yellowish harsh walls contrast sharply with the peaceful quarters of Santa Lucia. Inside Castel del Ovo is the ancient Chapel of the Savior, as well as the Museum of Ancient History.
At the bottom of the fortress, under the gates of Porta Santa Lucia, there are many fish restaurants.