Description of the attraction
In Erzurum, tourists are attracted by natural beauty and opportunities for active recreation and health improvement. This county has a large number of healing mineral springs. In the vicinity of the city, there is the Pasinler hydropathic establishment, the water from the mineral springs of which is used for medicinal baths and drinking. It is located next to an old fortress and a railway station, on the banks of the Hasankale River. There are ancient sanatoriums not far from the source. They were restored and renovated during the Ottoman period - in the 16th and 18th centuries. There are two branches at the spring - Maly Chermik and Bolshoi Chermik.
The water temperature in the spring ranges from 40 to 41 degrees, this water can be drunk. Treatment with the waters of the Pasinler spring helps those who suffer from anemia, stomach disorders, neuritis, rheumatism, neuralgia, osteochondrosis, gynecological diseases and other diseases of muscles and joints.
There are many hotel and sanatorium facilities near the spring. This is facilitated by the convenient location of the source - in the very center of the administrative center of the county.
There are also other mineral and healing springs in Pasinler County. The waters of these sources are practically identical in their characteristics.
There is also the ancient Pasynler bathhouse, built in the 14th century, the water temperature in it is +39 ° C, the water of hydrogen sulfide-iodine composition, excellently suitable for the treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland, musculoskeletal system, skin, as well as for ingestion - gastrointestinal -intestinal tract.