Description of the attraction
The Museum of Local Lore in the village of Velikie Sorochintsy officially bears the name of the Mirgorod District Museum of History and Local Lore. The Velikosorochinsky Museum of Local Lore was created in 2008 on the basis of the National Museum. Its exposition was located in a two-story building of the former library for children, to which a carved wooden veranda was later added.
The museum exhibits cover in detail the history and culture of the Mirgorod region from ancient times to the present day. In particular, there is a collection of tools of labor of the 18-19 centuries, Ukrainian clothes of that time, a collection of household items, a model of the dwelling of a Ukrainian peasant of the 19th century. Each museum exhibit is imbued with the spirit of that time and allows you to join the history of this amazing land.
Also in the local history museum you can see a unique exhibit - a model of the Velikosorochinsky Transfiguration Church of the 18th century, the original of which is located near the museum building. This church is famous for the fact that it became the ancestral tomb of Hetman D. Apostol, and it was here in 1809 that the baptism of the great Ukrainian writer N. Gogol took place.