The cold Bellingshausen Sea is located in the Pacific Ocean of the Southern Ocean. In the east, west and south, the sea washes Antarctica. The reservoir received its designation thanks to the Russian explorer Bellingshausen. The sea area is 487 thousand square meters. km. The greatest depth is 4115 m, and the average depth is 1261 m.
Features of geography
The sea does not cut into the mainland very deeply. In the north, it is open, so there is a water exchange with the Pacific Ocean. The large islands are the Land of Alexander I and Peter I. In the northern regions, the water temperature does not exceed 0 degrees. In the southern regions, the water temperature drops below -1 degrees. The salinity of the water is 33.5 ppm. In winter, the sea surface is covered with ice. In summer, sea ice forms a strip at least 180 km wide that runs along Antarctica. Icebergs are observed in all areas of the sea.
The continental slope of the reservoir is very steep, and the shelf is highly dissected. At a depth of about 3200 m, the slope smoothly turns into a bed. To the north, the depth of the sea increases.
Climatic conditions
The Bellingshausen Sea map shows that its entire water area is located south of the Arctic Circle. This is the Antarctic climate zone. Here air from Antarctica arrives in any season. Air above the water cools most of all in winter. Near the coast, the average air temperature is -20 degrees, on the island of Petra it is -12 degrees. In the south of the sea, the minimum air temperature is -42 degrees. In summer, the atmosphere warms up very weakly. The Bellingshausen Sea is considered the most ice-covered Antarctic sea. Its waters are partially free of ice only in March. It is very cold in the sea area during the winter months. Piercing winds blow from Antarctica all year round.
Natural world
The coast of the Bellingshausen Sea is covered with ice. The mountainous shores are perennial glaciers. In such conditions, there are seals and lions, crabeater seals, southern elephant seals, penguins. The open sea serves as a habitat for whales. In coastal areas, gulls, terns, petrels, cormorants and albatrosses can be seen.
Dangers of the sea
The water area contains many difficulties for sailors. There are huge ice floes and pieces of icebergs, sea ice of great thickness. Strong winds cause huge waves. There is a danger of icing for ships. Polar stations of Russia, Great Britain and the USA operate on the coast of the Bellingshausen Sea.