State flag of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
was officially approved in November 1975, a few months after the country's independence.
Description and proportions of the flag of Sao Tome and Principe
The Sao Tome and Principe flag has a classic rectangular shape, and its length is exactly twice its width. It is an integral symbol of statehood, along with the anthem and coat of arms. The canvas can be used for any purpose on water and on land. It is allowed to be lifted by all citizens and government agencies, companies and officials. The Sao Tome and Principe flag can be found on the masts of any ship, including private ships and ships of the country's navy.
The flag is divided horizontally into three unequal parts. The top and bottom stripes are light green and the middle field of the flag is bright yellow. The yellow part of the flag is one and a half times wider than each of the green ones. There are two five-pointed black stars on the yellow field. One of them is located in the center of the banner, and the second is in the middle of the right side of the flag of Sao Tome and Principe. A red isosceles triangle juts into the body of the flag from the edge of the flagpole.
The colors of the Sao Tome and Principe flag have their own meaning for the citizens of the country. Red is the color of the shed blood of freedom and independence fighters. The stars indicate that the islands belong to the black continent, and the wide yellow field reminds that the islands of Sao Tome and Principe are located on the equator. Green stripes are a rich flora and natural resources of the state.
The colors of the flag of Sao Tome and Principe are repeated on the country's coat of arms, approved in 1977. It represents the image of two birds - a falcon and a parrot - which are holding a yellow shield with the image of a cocoa tree with a green crown. The parrot is on the right, and the color of its tail feathers follows the color of the triangle on the Sao Tome and Principe flag. Yellow, as on a flag, the color of the ribbon emphasizes the motto of the state inscribed on it.
History of the flag of Sao Tome and Principe
The national flag of Sao Tome and Principe was developed on the basis of a banner belonging to the liberation movement, which fought for independence from the Portuguese colonialists. This flag was completely identical to the current one with the only difference that the yellow field on it was equal in width to two green stripes.