Description of the attraction
The home church of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon at the Vsevolozhsk Central Hospital was consecrated on December 10, 1996.
The administration of the Vsevolozhsk regional hospital began preparing the arrangement of the church after the blessing given in 1995 by Bishop of Tikhvin, vicar of the St. Petersburg diocese, His Eminence Simon.
A one-story utility building located on the territory of the hospital was converted into the premises of the temple of the healer Panteleimon. All the necessary liturgical supplies were purchased at the expense of the central hospital of Vsevolozhsk and voluntary donations. Through the efforts of the believers, in a fairly short period, all communications of the building allocated for the temple were brought into proper condition. All the necessary temple devices were installed: an altar, a throne, a pulpit, an iconostasis stool, a kliros, and analogies. The auxiliary rooms of the church, a place for selling candles have been equipped, an iconostasis, more than 30 icons have been completed and installed.
When all the work on the arrangement of the church in the part of the great martyr Panteleimon at the regional hospital was completed (and this happened in July 1996), the hospital management turned to Archpriest I. Varlamov, rector of the Holy Trinity Church in Vsevolozhsk, with a request that he intercede before Metropolitan Vladimir, on the consecration of the hospital church. The blessing of the Metropolitan was received.
In December 1996, Archpriest Nikolai (Teteryatnikov), in collaboration with Archpriest I. Varlamov and Archpriest P. Feer, the choir, deacons and with a huge crowd of believers, performed the consecration of the church and the Divine Liturgy. The nourishment of the temple of the healer Panteleimon was assigned to the parables of the Holy Trinity Church in Vsevolozhsk.
In 1999, the administration of the regional hospital sent a request for spiritual nourishment to the parish of the Church of St. Panteleimon, Archpriest I. Skopets, rector of the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands on Rumbolova Hill, and since 1999 it has been assigned to the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands. After that, regular services began in the hospital church.
In addition, a branch of the "Vigilance" club (St. Petersburg) was opened at the hospital church with the blessing of Archpriest Igor (Skopets), the rector of the church. "Wakefulness" is active in the fight against drug addiction and alcoholism. In the departments of the hospital, including the maternity ward, stands were organized where you can get acquainted with Orthodox literature. The hospital church was on daily duty, i.e. he was available to everyone to pray.
In April 2002, in the name of His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir, the hospital administration sent a petition that the hospital church of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon be given the status of an independent parish and a permanent priest appointed.
Already on May 16, 2002, by decree of Metropolitan Vladimir, priest Mikhail Petrovich Pogodin was appointed rector of the church of the healer Panteleimon at the regional hospital of Vsevolozhsk.