Fiji Sea

Fiji Sea
Fiji Sea
photo: Fiji Sea
photo: Fiji Sea

The Fiji Sea lacks clear contours. This is an open area of the Pacific Ocean, which oceanologists have recognized as a sea. The limits of the sea are large islands: New Zealand, New Caledonia, Kermadec, Tonga and the Norfolk Ridge. Fiji's sea map shows that it is bounded in the west by the Coral Sea and in the south by the Tasman Sea. The Fiji Sea is located in the South Fijian Basin. The area of the reservoir is 3177 thousand square meters. km. The average depth is 2740 m, and the maximum is more than 7630 m. There are no shoals, islands and banks in the water area. The sea washes the southern coast of Fiji.

The sea formed at the collision of the Australian and Pacific plates. Therefore, the seabed has many volcanoes, seamounts, depressions and ridges. There is a very high seismic activity here. Volcanic eruptions often occur in the water area, which are accompanied by powerful outbursts of rocks. After eruptions, islets of ash and lava are formed. In the Fiji Sea, semi-daily tides are observed up to 3 m high.

Climatic conditions

In the area of the reservoir, a tropical climate prevails. The rainy season is distinguished here. The sea water almost always has a temperature above +20 degrees. In the northern part, the water is slightly warmer. The salinity of sea water is 35.5 ppm.

On the coast of the Fiji Sea, the climate is tropical - hot and humid. In summer, the maximum amount of precipitation falls. Summer lasts from November to May. The average air temperature during this period is +26 degrees. Hurricanes are frequent in the summer. Cooler and drier winters are observed from June to November. The air has a temperature of about +23 degrees.

Underwater world

The animals and plants of the Fiji Sea have been little studied. Research was carried out only near the islands. The sea is ecologically clean, as there are no large ports and sea routes. Fauna and flora are distinguished by a variety of species. On the coast of the Fiji Sea, people are engaged in the fishery of shellfish, fish, shrimp. But fishing is not carried out on an industrial scale.

The tropical region attracts travelers who come here to see the exotic. A riot of tropical colors reigns on the islands; deserted sandy beaches stretch along the coast. There are many coral reefs in the sea, attractive for divers. There is only one sea road: from Sydney to Suva. Getting to the Fiji Sea is very difficult and expensive.
