Sulawesi Sea

Sulawesi Sea
Sulawesi Sea
photo: Sea of Sulawesi
photo: Sea of Sulawesi

South of the Sulu Sea is the Sulawesi Sea. It is also called the Celebes Sea. It is inter-island and covers an area of about 453 thousand square meters. km. The deepest point is recorded at 6220 m, and the average depth is 1500 m.

A map of the Sulawesi Sea allows you to see that it is completely located in the tropics. The climate and weather conditions are the same as in the neighboring Sulu Sea. The geographic limits of the reservoir run along the islands of Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sangihe, Mindanao and Sulu.

Features of the sea

The bottom relief looks like a bowl with shallow coastal areas. The Sulawesi Sea is bordered by the following seas: Sulu, Philippine, Java and Banda. The deepest areas of the reservoir have a bottom covered with silt with volcanic impurities. Pebble, sand and shell bottom is observed near the coast.

On the coast of the Sulawesi Sea, sand prevails, which was formed due to the crushing of corals. It is distinguished by its white color. Sand has a darker shade in areas remote from the coastal zone. In some places there is black sand with volcanic impurities. Near the coast, the water seems azure, but in the depths it takes on a dark shade.

The average sea water temperature is +26 degrees. In the hottest months, the water warms up to +29 degrees. The reservoir is distinguished by tides of medium height - about 4 m. The water level in the Sulawesi Sea is higher than in the surrounding water bodies. The powerful current of Mindanao is catching water here. Water passing from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean flows through the Sulawesi Sea.

Natural features

The sea is rich in coral formations. Quaint islands and atolls are located here. The underwater life is beautiful and varied. The coast of the Sulawesi sea is covered with tropical plants. There are mangrove forests near the island of Kalimantan. The colorful underwater world is observed not only in coastal areas, but also in the depths.

The Sulawesi Sea is unmatched in the world for the diversity of animal and plant species. Unique animals, previously unknown to scientists, were discovered here. These include the orange thorny worm, sea cucumber, black jellyfish, etc. This area attracts divers from all over the world. Scuba diving in this sea is very popular. Bunaken Island is considered the best place for divers. He became famous for his underwater gardens. In the coastal waters you can see exotic fish, corals, starfish, echinoderms, molluscs, etc. Dolphins, sharks and sea turtles live in the sea.
