Museum of Industry and Art named after D.G. Burylina description and photo - Russia - Golden Ring: Ivanovo

Museum of Industry and Art named after D.G. Burylina description and photo - Russia - Golden Ring: Ivanovo
Museum of Industry and Art named after D.G. Burylina description and photo - Russia - Golden Ring: Ivanovo
Museum of Industry and Art named after D. G. Burylina
Museum of Industry and Art named after D. G. Burylina

Description of the attraction

The Museum of Industry and Art was named in honor of Dmitry Gennadievich Burylin, who was a famous Ivanovo-Voznesensk honorary citizen, philanthropist and manufacturer. Dmitry Gennadievich was born in 1852, and his death occurred in 1924.

The largest part of the collection exhibited in the museum was a collection of books and numismatics, which at one time Burylin got from his grandfather D. A. Burylin. After the unique collection found its second owner in the person of Dmitry Gennadievich, its owner became interested in collecting various antiques. Over time, the collection has been significantly expanded and multiplied by interesting exhibits and items. The collection includes a wide variety of items, including porcelain, classical, modern and historical literature, painting, edged weapons, numismatics, antique furniture, numerous decorative items and many other things. It is worth noting that chronologically the scope of this collection begins from ancient times and lasts until the beginning of the 20th century.

For the purpose of replenishing his collection, Dmitry Gennadievich traveled for a long period of time through the territory of the Russian Empire, as well as the countries of the East and Europe.

One of his unique and rare collections is called the Bible Collection. It is worth noting that the Masonic collection has become the best, according to the recognition of the majority of contemporaries, among all those available in Russia. Burylin even went to exhibitions that were held not only throughout the vast territory of Russia, but also abroad, where he was many times awarded with diplomas of various award categories.

Numerous collections did not fit in the basement of the ancestral mansion, which today is occupied by the Chintz Museum of the city of Ivanovo. A specially designed building was required to store valuable things. Then Dmitry Gennadievich asked the City Administration for permission to build his own museum. It is worth noting that the collector was given a rather strict framework in the face of the city authorities, but despite numerous difficulties, in the summer of August 25, 1912, the first laying of the premises intended for the museum was made. The architect of this project was P. A. Trubnikov.

At the end of 1914, the construction of the planned building, which housed a small part of the collections of "antiquities and rarities" and a branch of the drawing school of the city of St. Petersburg, operating under the leadership of Baron Stirlitz, was completed. The grand festive opening took place on December 26, 1914, which was carried out in the style of the popular "Italian palazzo". The new museum was named the Museum of Industry and Art.

After the revolution of 1917 passed, Dmitry Gennadievich could not renounce his life's work and asked the city authorities to allow him to work at the museum. In 1919, the Burylin Museum, like many others throughout Russia, was nationalized, after which it was renamed the provincial Ivanovo-Voznesensky Museum.

The grand opening took place in the summer of July 6, 1919 - it was this date that began to be considered the birthday and the formation of the museum business in the entire Ivanovo region, but nevertheless the Museum of Industry and Art was opened a long time before the onset of this event.

In 1924, Dmitry Gennadievich died, and part of his collections were lost; the rest was transferred to museums in various cities of Russia, and a number of rare exhibits were simply sold.

In 1958, according to the decree of the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR "On the formation of the regional Ivanovo art museum", about 13 thousand items were transferred from the museum's fund collections, mostly represented by painting, sculpture, as well as objects of decorative and applied art.

In the period between 1919 and the 1990s, the museum received the status of local history, which is why the largest number of collections of D. G. Burylin remained in the funds. At the beginning of 2002, the museum got its original name again.

The museum has permanent exhibitions: "Art and Time" opened in 2003. Items from the museum collections of D. G. Burylin, who survived the restoration and returned to exhibition activities: marble sculpture; portraits of Ivanovo manufacturers and their families; DPI items; interior items of Ivanovo manufacturers. Exhibition "Arsenal", opened in 2005 and presenting a collection of firearms and edged weapons from the countries of the XIV-XV to the second half of the XX centuries. About 500 items are presented, including armor of Russian soldiers from the XIV century, samurai armor (XVIII century), historical reconstructions. The "European Collection" was also opened in 2005 and represents the cultural and historical development of European countries. The "Golden Storeroom" exposition was opened in 2006. Here is a collection of items made of precious metals, consisting of more than 500 items.

