Monastyrsky Island description and photo - Ukraine: Dnepropetrovsk

Monastyrsky Island description and photo - Ukraine: Dnepropetrovsk
Monastyrsky Island description and photo - Ukraine: Dnepropetrovsk
Monastyrsky Island
Monastyrsky Island

Description of the attraction

Monastic Island in Dnepropetrovsk is one of the most beautiful places in the city, which is imbued with the spirit of adventure and romance. Geographically, the island is part of the Shevchenko Park of Culture and Rest and is a sandbank on the Dnieper River. The first written mention of this island dates back to 1880.

There are many fascinating and mystical stories associated with the island. So, for example, in the Life of St. Feodosia this island is referred to as the place where Andrew the First-Called himself lived and preached. And the original name of the island - "Monastyrsky" was associated with the fact that there was a monastery on the island, in which Princess Olga stayed for some time.

During the Western campaign, the Batu monastery, like many settlements in the area, were literally razed to the ground. And until 1765, no one was interested in these places; sometimes seasonal fishermen only built their huts here. During the foundation and construction of Yekaterinoslav (now Dnepropetrovsk), the island aroused the interest of Prince Potemkin, who led the development of the city. He planned to locate a university on the island and connect it with the rest of the city through a bridge. It was also planned to make a park for walking here. However, these plans remained just plans.

Since then, the island has changed its appearance, passed into the hands of various owners, until in the 20th century a support for a railway bridge was built on the island. At the same time, it was decided to join the island to the Shevchenko Park of Culture and Leisure, and it was made a wonderful place for recreation. A monument to the great Kobzar was built on it, by the way, the largest in Ukraine. And in 1999, an Orthodox church was erected, where thousands of parishioners come today.

