Description of the attraction
The Central Botanical Garden, named after N. Grishko, is part of the natural reserve fund of Ukraine and is officially recognized as a national treasure of the state. Today, thanks to the variety of plant collections, its size and the level of research, the garden is one of the largest and most important botanical gardens in Europe. Eight scientific departments work here, and more than 11180 taxa belonging to 1347 genera and 220 families have been collected. Over the years of the Botanical Garden's activity, several unique floristic complexes "Ukrainian Carpathians", "Forests of the plain part of Ukraine", "Crimea", "Steppes of Ukraine", "Central Asia", "Caucasus", "Far East", as well as "Altai and Western Siberia”. Here, not only the vegetation of this or that natural zone is collected, but, if possible, the relief and some typical landscapes have been recreated. The arboretum of the Botanical Garden is especially famous, which contains a unique collection of magnolias and lilacs.
Employees of the Central Botanical Garden not only collect existing plant species and varieties, but also constantly work on breeding new ones. So, thanks to this activity, new varieties of dahlias, clematis, chrysanthemums, phloxes, asters, gladioli, irises, peonies, lawn grasses, etc. were created. All bred varieties fully meet international standards, which is confirmed by numerous awards received at competitions and exhibitions.
Special attention should be paid to tropical and subtropical plants collected in greenhouses, spread over an area of more than 5000 m2. There are more than 350 species of orchids alone. The collection of herbariums is also extremely large - there are over 148,100 herbarium leaves, as well as a collection of seeds - more than 10119 samples. The computer database is also expanding.