- How can you get the citizenship of Abkhazia
- Simplified procedure for obtaining Abkhaz citizenship
- Refusal to obtain the rights of an Abkhaz citizen
- Order of treatment
The wonderful Abkhaz resorts will be remembered by Russian citizens for a long time, since Soviet times they have gained the fame of magnificent health resorts, places where you can relax, improve your health, get acquainted with a rich history and culture. Probably, at the moment, in connection with the well-known events, the question of how to obtain the citizenship of Abkhazia is not urgent.
If a foreigner wants to acquire all the rights and obligations of a citizen of the Abkhaz Republic, then, first of all, he needs to get acquainted with the main regulatory legal act. The role of such is played by the law "On Citizenship of the Republic of Abkhazia", as well as certain aspects of the institution of citizenship are spelled out in the Constitution and other legal acts.
How can you get the citizenship of Abkhazia
The law spells out the main ways of obtaining citizenship of the Abkhaz Republic, these include: birth; admission to citizenship; restoration of citizenship.
According to the first method (birth), any child born to parents who have the rights of citizens of this country becomes a citizen of Abkhazia. And it doesn't matter if both parents are citizens of the Abkhaz state or one parent.
Another way to become a citizen of this country is to be admitted to citizenship, here it is necessary to comply with a number of conditions, the first condition is the legal capacity and the potential candidate's achievement of the age of 18 years. Foreigners and stateless persons can apply to the relevant authorities with an application for obtaining citizenship on a general basis. In this case, the following conditions must be met:
- knowledge of the state language, in this case, Abkhaz;
- taking an oath of allegiance to the new homeland;
- knowledge of the basics of the Abkhaz constitution;
- a certain period of residence in the country (at least ten years with trips outside of no more than three months);
- legal sources of funds, full payment of taxes;
- renunciation of the existing citizenship.
These positions, in principle, are standard, in one form or another they are present in most countries of the planet. Nuance - the text of the oath is spelled out in the law on citizenship.
Simplified procedure for obtaining Abkhaz citizenship
The country's legislation accommodates certain categories, reducing the required period of residence on the territory of Abkhazia. A simplified procedure for acquiring citizenship has been defined for them, for example, marriage (marriage) makes it possible to reduce the period of residence in the republic to three years with a marriage of at least five years.
The same simplified procedure is established for obtaining the rights of a citizen by a child if one of the parents is a citizen of another state. A child is placed as a citizen of Abkhazia if there is an application from a parent who is a citizen of the country and the consent of the second parent. Another reason for passing the simplified procedure is special services to humanity and to the Republic of Abkhazia, high achievements in the profession, which are important for solving state problems.
Refusal to obtain the rights of an Abkhaz citizen
Not all foreigners, even subject to the conditions of knowledge of the language, period of residence, material support, can enter into the rights of a citizen of the Abkhaz Republic. It will be denied in obtaining Abkhaz citizenship to persons who are trying to change the constitutional system of the country, pose a threat to the security of the population and the state as a whole, and are seen in connections with terrorist organizations.
They will not accept documents from persons who are military personnel of other states, work in security or law enforcement agencies. There is an exception - obtaining rights is possible by this category of persons, if an international agreement is concluded between Abkhazia and another state. Also, the basis for refusing to grant citizenship is the presence of an unexpunged conviction, criminal prosecution, being under investigation or in places of serving a sentence.
Order of treatment
The law on citizenship of Abkhazia provides for the following procedure. A potential candidate for the rights of a citizen submits an application written in the prescribed form and with a personal signature. If it is impossible for any reason to put a personal signature, the application is submitted by a notary. An application with a package of documents is accepted after payment of the state fee. The amount of the fee is not spelled out in the law, but is regulated by other legal documents.
The issue of admission to the citizenship of the country is considered by special bodies on general conditions within one year after the application is submitted. Also, the application must be accompanied by properly executed documents. The decision on the admission to citizenship of any candidate is made personally by the President of the Abkhaz Republic.