- How to get German citizenship - the first step
- Payment for completing the procedure and obtaining a document
- Important conditions
Not everyone dreams of going overseas in search of a better life; for many, the concept of an earthly paradise is associated with countries that are geographically closer to the Russian Federation. In the list of such states, Germany is in one of the first places. Many not only dream of moving to this country, but also of becoming a full member of German society. Therefore, the question of how to obtain German citizenship is quite acute.
How to get German citizenship - the first step
You should not even think about acquiring German citizenship for persons who have not reached the age of majority and have not lived in the country for less than 8 years. Only the fulfillment of these conditions gives a theoretical opportunity for a person to try to get the same rights that his neighbor on the staircase, a native German, has.
The necessary information can be collected on the Internet, it is even better to contact the local authorities, who are obliged to conduct consultations and provide explanations. The prerogative of resolving such issues is given to the departments of citizenship, available in each locality. Depending on which of the organizations the person is assigned to, he or she has the right to apply to Ausländerbehörde, the Office for Foreigners; Counseling centers for adults or youth (separately); Administration of this or that settlement, district.
There is no strict application form, each region has its own form that you need to use. Everyone who is eligible for German citizenship applies independently, including children who have reached the age of 16.
Payment for completing the procedure and obtaining a document
This procedure is paid, its cost is the same for all potential German citizens, the gradation depends on age: adults - 255 euros, children - 51 euros. The German state is socially oriented in such matters, therefore, when processing documents for a large family, parents can ask for a reduction in duty.
The second category of people who have the right to ask for the same are poor job seekers. Although, on the other hand, officials may have a question whether it is necessary to give citizenship to persons who are not able to feed themselves, because in the future, care for them will fall on the shoulders of the state.
Important conditions
It is quite simple to apply, as well as to pay the required amount of the fee. But obtaining German citizenship requires meeting many other conditions. One of the first is the indefinite residence on the territory of the state of a potential candidate for citizenship for at least 8 years (in the case of an integration course, the term is reduced to 7 years). Naturally, a person who has lived in the country for such a long period should have a legal visa that has a long term, even better, an unlimited one.
An important point in favor of the applicant is the level of income. Receiving unemployment benefits or targeted social assistance automatically transfers a person to the category of persons who cannot yet claim to become a full member of German society with all the rights and obligations that are due. There are many options for solving the problem: high-paying job; provision of a spouse, parents or children.
It is important that a person “does not sit on the neck” of the state, but if close or distant relatives will provide him, then the issue of obtaining citizenship can be resolved in favor of the applicant. Do not despair for those who, for whatever reason, are currently unemployed. He may try to prove that he is actively looking for a new place of service (work) and thus deserves the right to become a German citizen.
Knowledge of the German language for potential candidates is mandatory, and not only theoretical, the level will have to be confirmed with the help of documents. A certificate of knowledge of the language will be enough, it is issued by the so-called public schools based on the test results. Previously, before taking the test, in the same school, you can take the appropriate language courses. Also accepted for consideration are documents on graduation from any educational institution in the country where the learning process took place in German.
German language courses are part of the integration process, they are financed, including at the expense of the state, so a potential applicant for the right to citizenship can use this method to increase the level of knowledge, acquire additional advantages in the eyes of local authorities. No less important for obtaining citizenship are the test of knowledge of Germany (history, politics, economics), law abidance and renunciation of the citizenship of the previous country of residence.