Peter and Paul Church description and photo - Belarus: Kobrin

Peter and Paul Church description and photo - Belarus: Kobrin
Peter and Paul Church description and photo - Belarus: Kobrin
Peter and Paul Church
Peter and Paul Church

Description of the attraction

The old St. Peter and Paul Church was built in Kobrin in the 15th century. It is mentioned in documents from 1465.

In those days, when Field Marshal Suvorov lived in Kobrin, the church was located in the center of the city, not far from the house of the famous commander. Suvorov's piety is widely known. He was a zealous Christian, sang in the church choir, read the psalter. Suvorov's psalter is still kept in this church with love and respect with the inscription: "To this psalter Suvorov sang and read."

In 1864, it was decided to renovate the heavily dilapidated Suvorov Church.

The name of the famous Russian commander saved the church in Soviet times from closure and ruin. Only this one temple was spared by the communists. The services in it did not stop for a single day.

At the beginning of the 20th century, they decided to build a large pompous stone church in Kobrin, and move the small wooden church, so beloved by Suvorov, farther, to the outskirts. The initiator of the construction of the new church was Emperor Nicholas II. Signature lists for collecting donations were distributed throughout Russia.

The Suvorov Church was repaired as best they could, and in 1912 it was re-consecrated in a new place. It is curious that the large stone church, for the sake of which the move of the historic church was started, was never built. The reason for this is the beginning of the First World War.

The new Republic of Belarus highly appreciated the modest Suvorov Peter and Paul Church and included it in the list of its historical and cultural values. Inside, the temple is very cozy. Visitors say that there is a feeling of a holy place of prayer.
