Description of the attraction
The Luoyang Museum is located in the city of the same name and is included in the list of cultural sites in China with the most extensive fund, containing a unique collection of exhibits from different periods. Initially, the museum building was located 7 kilometers from the city, and in 1974 it was moved to the central part of Luoyang. The main part of the exposition is presented by antiques found in the area of the city, as well as ancient pottery dishes, paintings created during the reign of the Wei and Han dynasties, original jade products and dishes made of the finest porcelain.
The building of the museum is made in a modern style, and the interior space has a typical design for buildings of this kind. Several halls are divided according to the thematic principle, which is quite convenient for foreign tourists who do not know the Chinese language. Special attention should be paid to the halls with expositions of bronze and wooden products, household items and artifacts of the Stone Age. Most of the exhibits are strictly guarded, as they are the most valuable components of the Chinese cultural heritage.
The entrance to the museum is absolutely free, and on the ground floor there are trade pavilions where you can buy souvenirs in memory of your visit to Luoyang. The museum's foundation plays an important role in preserving Chinese traditions, as evidenced by the age of some of the exhibits and the well-preserved appearance. An excursion to the museum is not only a great opportunity to get acquainted with the world of ancient relics, but also the time that you will spend to your advantage.