Jammah Mosque (Jummah Masjid) description and photos - Mauritius: Port Louis

Jammah Mosque (Jummah Masjid) description and photos - Mauritius: Port Louis
Jammah Mosque (Jummah Masjid) description and photos - Mauritius: Port Louis
Jammakh Mosque
Jammakh Mosque

Description of the attraction

One of the iconic Muslim buildings on the island of Mauritius is the Jammah Mosque in Port Louis. Construction began after the purchase in 1852 of two adjoining plots on Royal Street. The buyers gave up ownership of the land in favor of the Muslim community to which they belonged. The community decided to use the generous gift to equip the mosque, and the donors received a special status among their fellow believers.

On one of the sites there was a building in which a temporary house of prayer was located. The new mosque took twenty years to build, although it was opened already in 1853. Graceful carvings along the perimeter of the entire snow-white fairytale building, minaret turrets and a golden dome invariably attract attention and create the illusion of touching a wonderful fairy tale.

The name Jammah comes from the Arabic pronunciation "Friday", this day of the week is the most important day for the adherents of Allah, the day of joint prayer, worship and sermon. Friday prayers at the Jammakh Mosque are so popular and meaningful for Muslims in Mauritius that they are broadcast live on local TV and radio.

The mosque is located on the very edge of Chinatown, away from the center. The entrance to the building is allowed in appropriate clothing, completely free of charge, you can also book a guided tour. Filming and inspection of the premises is allowed, attendance at prayer is allowed.

