Description of the attraction
The Scientific Memorial Museum of N. E. Zhukovsky is a museum dedicated to the life and scientific activities of the Russian scientist, mechanic and mathematician, one of the founders of aviation - Professor Nikolai Yegorovich Zhukovsky. The museum was established in 1947 and opened in January 1956. It is located on Radio Street.
The mansion in which the museum is located consists of two parts. One of the parts is 100 years old, and the second is 200 years old. The building is a historical monument. Professor Zhukovsky from 1915 to 1920 worked in this building. It was in this building that the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, the famous TsAGI, created in 1918, began its work.
The entrance to the museum is located in the courtyard of the building. In front of the entrance in 1958, a bust of N. E. Zhukovsky was installed, made of bronze. The author of the monument is the sculptor G. Neroda. On the pedestal is Zhukovsky's dictum "A man will fly relying not on the strength of his muscles, but on the strength of his mind." A memorial plaque is installed on the wall of the building.
The basis of the museum exposition was formed by the richest personal fund of Professor Zhukovsky. It contains over 1200 scientific and biographical documents. Documents and exhibits of the museum exposition reflect the life and scientific activity of the scientist himself and his closest circle, his students and followers.
Five expositions of the museum are located in five halls. The first exposition is "Scientific Biography of Zhukovsky" (until 1918). The second is "Scientific and experimental base in Russia, created by N. Ye. Zhukovsky". The third is "The creation of TsAGI and the years of its work from 1918 to 1937". The fourth exposition is dedicated to the work of TsAGI in the pre-war years and the years of the Great Patriotic War. The fifth exposition is "Aviation Science and Technology. The Epoch of Jet Aviation Development".
Zhukovsky's students took part in the creation of the Museum: A. N. Tupolev, K. A. Ushakov, A. A. Arkhangelsky, G. Kh. Sabinin, as well as academicians M. V. Keldysh and S. A. Khristianovich.