Uruskikh Palace (Palac Uruskich) description and photos - Poland: Warsaw

Uruskikh Palace (Palac Uruskich) description and photos - Poland: Warsaw
Uruskikh Palace (Palac Uruskich) description and photos - Poland: Warsaw
Uruski Palace
Uruski Palace

Description of the attraction

The Uruski Palace is a palace located in the historical part of Warsaw, directly opposite the Chalsky Palace. It is currently part of the University of Warsaw.

The building, located between the university gates and the Tyszkiewicz Palace, originally belonged to Stanislav Poniatowski, who was the father of King Stanislaw August Poniatowski. It was in this building that young Poniatovsky learned about his election.

In 1843, the Poniatovsky family sold the palace to Severin Urusky, who decided to build a fundamentally different palace on the site of the existing one. The new owner hired Andrzej Golonski, who built a Renaissance palace in 1844-1847. All sculptures in the palace were created by Ludwik Kaufman. Later, a new wing was added to the building, inside which a coach house and apartments were located.

After the death of Severin Urusky in 1890, the palace became the property of his first wife, and then his daughter Maria married Vladimir Zhetvertunsky. In 1893-1895, work was carried out in the palace under the leadership of Joseph Hus.

In 1944, the Uruski Palace was burned down, and the restoration of the building was carried out until 1951. Even before the start of reconstruction, the building became the property of the University of Warsaw. Currently, the palace houses the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies of the University of Warsaw.

