Khanenko Museum description and photo - Ukraine: Kiev

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Khanenko Museum description and photo - Ukraine: Kiev
Khanenko Museum description and photo - Ukraine: Kiev

Video: Khanenko Museum description and photo - Ukraine: Kiev

Video: Khanenko Museum description and photo - Ukraine: Kiev
Video: Khanenko Museum / Kyiv / Feb 2022 2024, October
Khanenko Museum
Khanenko Museum

Description of the attraction

The Khanenko Museum bears the name of its founders-patrons and is the keeper of the largest and most systematic collection of classics of foreign art on the territory of Ukraine. Previously, the museum was called the Kiev Museum of Western and Eastern Arts, but now it has been supplemented with the names of Bogdan and Varvara Khanenko, thus paying tribute to the memory of these truly outstanding people. The collection of the museum is based on the art collection of its founders, donated to the city. To date, the museum holds more than 20,000 works of art, including later acquisitions. The museum is located on Tereshchenkovskaya Street in two old buildings, each of which houses an independent exposition, one dedicated to the art of Western Europe, the other to the art of the East.

The exposition of Western European art (Tereshchenkovskaya 15) is located according to the territorial-chronological principle and includes sections dedicated to the creations of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo. Here you can enjoy the work of such outstanding painters as Gentile Bellini, Diego Velazquez, Peter Paul Rubens, Francesco Guardi, Jacob Jordaens, Pieter Brueghel Jr., Francois Boucher, Jacques-Louis David, Juan de Zurbaran, Dirk Hals, David Teniers, etc. In a separate room, unique Byzantine icons of the 5th-7th centuries are exhibited, and four of them are considered treasures of world importance, since they are recognized as the oldest Christian icons that have survived to this day and are almost priceless.

The building, which is located at Tereschenkivska 17, houses the most significant collection of artworks in Ukraine that were created in the East. This is mainly the art of Islam, Buddhism, Japan and China.

