Description of the attraction
As you know, Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, and he is truly a popularly revered and beloved saint. Therefore, it is not surprising that the largest cathedral in Ireland and one of the oldest temples on the island bears the name of St. Patrick. The official name of the cathedral is National Cathedral and Collegiate Church of St. Patrick in Dublin. It should be noted that although the cathedral is considered a cathedral, the bishop's see is located in the cathedral of Christ. Two cathedrals in the same city are a unique phenomenon, and for quite a long time they were in a state of constant rivalry. In 1300, an agreement was adopted on the delimitation of powers, according to which, for example, the cross, miter and ring of the deceased archbishop should be kept in the Cathedral of Christ, and the burial of bishops should be held alternately in both cathedrals; on the whole, however, the two councils must act together and on an equal footing. In 1870, St. Patrick's Cathedral was given national status, and the seat of the Dublin bishop's chair was designated the Cathedral of Christ.
In 1192, the Archbishop of Dublin granted collegiate status to one of Dublin's four churches. It was the church of St. Patrick, built next to the source that bore the name of this saint. It is not known exactly when the church received the status of a cathedral, probably at the beginning of the 13th century. Almost nothing has survived from the original church of the 12th century. The main buildings of the XIII-XIV centuries. made in the style of early English Gothic. In the future, the cathedral was rebuilt several times, and its walls were additionally fortified. The fact is that due to the proximity of the Poddl River and its many branches, the walls of the cathedral are constantly heated, and sometimes floods occurred, the water level in the building could rise by more than two meters. For this reason, there are no basements or crypts in the cathedral.
In the XIV century, the tower of the cathedral was built, in 1769 a spire was installed on it, and the total height of the tower today is 140 m.