Church of Spiridon Trimifuntsky description and photo - Russia - St. Petersburg: Lomonosov (Oranienbaum)

Church of Spiridon Trimifuntsky description and photo - Russia - St. Petersburg: Lomonosov (Oranienbaum)
Church of Spiridon Trimifuntsky description and photo - Russia - St. Petersburg: Lomonosov (Oranienbaum)
Church of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky
Church of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Description of the attraction

The Church of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is located in the city of Lomonosov. This Orthodox church belongs to the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist, located in the village of Malaya Izhora.

Saint Spyridon is a miracle worker, saint, bishop of Trimifuntsky, who lived in the 3rd century. In Cyprus. The holy relics were first buried in Trimifunt, and then transported to Kerkyra on about. Corfu, where the main temple of St. Spyridon is located.

St. Spiridon was the patron saint of the Volyn Life Guards Regiment, stationed in Oranienbaum. The first church dedicated to this saint was founded in Oranienbaum at the initiative of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna and the commander of the Separate Guards Corps, Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, in 1838. According to the project of A. P. Melnikov, a wooden church was erected with state funds, in which the marching church of the Volyn regiment of St. Spyridon was located. The temple was consecrated on December 24, 1838.

The wooden temple stood on a brick foundation. The church was 26 m long, 10.5 m wide, and 8.5 m high, excluding the dome. The church had a small bell tower, and an iron cross stood above the altar. In the temple there was a regimental marching iconostasis.

In 1856 the Volyn regiment was transferred to Warsaw and church utensils were sent with the regiment. The temple was transferred to the Training Sapper Battalion. This battalion was disbanded in 1859, and for two years there were no military units in the city. Divine services were conducted by the clergyman of the Panteleimon court church.

In 1861, the commander of a training infantry battalion transferred to Oranienbaum, Major General V. V. von Netbeck, the temple was partially rebuilt. In 1874, the temple was renovated, and in 1883 the temple was taken over by the Officer Rifle School.

In 1895, due to dilapidation and insufficient capacity, it was decided to build a new church building. In October 1895 it was completely dismantled and a new church was laid in the same place according to the project of V. I. Goldfinch. The temple was built with funds from the church, private donations and money allocated by the Engineering Department

The church building is elongated in plan, has a length of about 30 m, with a small bell tower and a dome. The height of the temple (including the dome) was 25 m.

The architectural appearance of the temple reflected the style features of the wooden architecture of that time. In the decoration of the facades, openwork sawing details and curly window frames were used. The saw-cut ornamental details were also used in the decoration of the interior of the temple. The iconostasis of the church was gilded and carved. A house for the priest was built at the temple. The temple was consecrated on September 8, 1896.

In 1930, the church was closed, beheaded, and for many decades it was not used for its intended purpose. Therefore, by the beginning of the 21st century. she was in disrepair. But, nevertheless, from April 2, 2002, divine services began to be held in the church.

In 2007, it was decided to dismantle the damaged building and completely rebuild the church as of 1896. Work began in 2008.

Today, a new foundation has already been built and work is underway to recreate the original historical appearance of the temple. A wooden one-story two-story temple stood on a granite foundation, the dome was supported by stone pillars.

The walls and ceiling of the temple were decorated with carvings and painted in a pale pink color. The sails of the dome housed the icons of the evangelists. Above the iconostasis in the dome of the church there was a large icon of the Nativity of Christ. The special sights of the temple were: 6 company images in silver vestments and mahogany icon cases, which were transferred from the Exemplary Regiment, and an ancient icon "Life-giving source", transferred to A. P. Taborskoy as a gift to the temple, which had previously been in their family for 250 years and was famous for many healings.

