Lovcen National Park description and photos - Montenegro: Kotor

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Lovcen National Park description and photos - Montenegro: Kotor
Lovcen National Park description and photos - Montenegro: Kotor

Video: Lovcen National Park description and photos - Montenegro: Kotor

Video: Lovcen National Park description and photos - Montenegro: Kotor
Video: HIGHEST Mausoleum in the WORLD // Lovćen National Park MUST SEE in Montenegro 2024, June
Lovcen National Park
Lovcen National Park

Description of the attraction

In the rocky area of the Alps called Dinara, the Lovcen National Park is located, which covers 6,220 acres. Its borders in the south are adjacent to the Budva-Cetinje motorway, and to the north - to the old road to Kotor. The Lovcen administration can be found in the city of Cetinje itself. In 1952, the park was given the status of the National.

A wide variety of fauna and flora organically coexist here, for which 9 objects have been allocated, so that it is possible to represent each environment separately. All this is due to the fact that in this area two climatic zones are harmoniously combined: continental and Mediterranean. In Lovcen Park, you can see not only the beauties of the nature of this region, but also consider the world famous sights: one of the mountain lakes, Ivanovo Koryto, the village and Mausoleum of Nyegushi, the Church of the Transfiguration, etc.

The construction of the Mausoleum began in 1855 on Mount Lovcen in honor of the bishop, whose name is Petar II Nyegushi, who bequeathed to bury his body in this place. Tourists must overcome 461 steps to get into the Mausoleum itself, which has been open to everyone since 1974. Mount Lovcen is considered a sacred place for many believers. It is popularly called Saint Olympus, the mountain itself is a symbol of Montenegro, the population of this country reveres its shrine in the same way as the inhabitants of the United States of America value the Statue of Liberty.

Nearby, at an altitude of 940 m, is the mountain village of Nyegushi, which is surrounded on three sides by picturesque mountains. The first mentions of the existence of a habitable place here were recorded in the annals of 1453. In addition to Bishop Petar II Nyegushi, Nikola I Petrovic was born in it, who was the last of the rulers of the Kingdom of Montenegro. The houses in which they were born are today state-protected museums.

Along the mountain serpentine you can reach Lake Ivanovo trough. This can be done both in summer and in winter without much difficulty, because a modern road has been laid to the lake, since 1929 a broncho-pulmonary hospital and a health center for children have been opened here.

You can come to Lovcen National Park by car, but at the same time you pay half a euro for the car. It is strictly forbidden to set up a tent camp in the park, but you can stay overnight in a house in Ivanovo-Korit, if you agree with the administration in advance. It is located approximately halfway to the top. Entrance to the museums and the Mausoleum is possible for a fee.

