Children's Museum description and photo - Belarus: Polotsk

Children's Museum description and photo - Belarus: Polotsk
Children's Museum description and photo - Belarus: Polotsk
Children's Museum
Children's Museum

Description of the attraction

The Children's Museum in the city of Polotsk was opened in 2004. This is a unique museum created especially for children on the initiative of the scientist and teacher Dzhumantaeva T. A.

The museum begins right in the courtyard, where little visitors are greeted with kind original sculptural compositions from the world of children's fairy tales.

Unlike other museums, there are no glazed showcases and “don’t touch the exhibits” signs. Everything here can be touched, viewed, studied. The main theme of the museum's exposition is "The History of Common Things". The creators of the exposition managed to look at the world of ordinary things through the eyes of a child, because for a kid even a watch is an unknown mechanism created by wizards.

The museum has two halls. In the first - the world of measurements of time and weight. Collections of watches, scales and bells are presented here. On a miniature bell tower, you can ring the bells as much as you like.

The second hall presents a variety of cameras, sound recording devices and even samovars. In a special showcase there are changing exhibitions “The World of My Hobbies”. Belarusian schoolchildren from all over the country are fighting for the right to exhibit their collections of stamps, coins and postcards here.

All excursions in the children's museum are specially adapted for little fidgets so that they do not get bored and their attention is not scattered. Despite the fact that the museum is made for children, adults here, too, instantly forget about their years and remember their childhood.

The museum has a computer room where children can play educational games, learn how to work at a computer, see photographs from previous exhibitions of children's collections.

