Kedah State Art Gallery description and photos - Malaysia: Alor Setar

Kedah State Art Gallery description and photos - Malaysia: Alor Setar
Kedah State Art Gallery description and photos - Malaysia: Alor Setar
State art gallery
State art gallery

Description of the attraction

The State Art Gallery opened in July 1983. The gallery is located near the central square in a beautiful building of colonial architecture from 1893, where the court used to be.

Among the collection of the museum are handicrafts, paintings and works of art, which are the great pride of the province of Kedah and are known all over the world. Among the exhibits of the museum is an exact copy of the traditional house of the Kedah province with the names of all parts of the house. The wood carvings of local craftsmen and the style of window decoration in local houses attract the attention of guests. Also in the gallery you can see photographs and national musical instruments, as well as works of contemporary Malaysian artists and antiques.

The art gallery hosts various events, where, for example, one can learn about Islamic calligraphy, and those interested in national costumes will be interested in hearing about how the traditional Malaysian headdress is worn - the destar, which, in most cases, is associated with solemn events. In the gallery, guests will be offered to see the headdresses that are used at state official receptions. There are 17 headdresses in the gallery, 4 of which are intended for the royal family. It is worth noting that the musicians of the royal orchestra - nobata - also have their own individual headdresses - destar getung.

The art gallery is easy to find, not far from famous landmarks - the Zahir Mosque and Balay-Nobat, the repository of royal musical instruments.

