Description of the attraction
The monument to Sergei Mironovich Kirov in Kronstadt originally stood in the park next to Gostiny Dvor. When the square had a fence, the monument looked quite dignified. But some time passed, the fence was removed for the sake of fashion, and the square turned into a walk-through courtyard. In this regard, it was decided to move the monument to Osokin Square. He organically blended here and looks much more monumental here than before. In the park next to the shopping rows, the monument was lost; moreover, in the neighborhood there was a monument to Lenin, completely different from the bust of Kirov in style and design.
Sergei Mironovich Kirov entered the history of our country as a prominent political and statesman, a participant in the revolution. Kirov was born in the city of Urzhum, Vyatka province, then studied in Kazan, where he graduated from the Technical School, and then continued his education in Tomsk, at the Technological Institute. In 1905 he took part in revolutionary events and was arrested. But after his release, he again plunged into the revolutionary struggle. After the events of the February Revolution, Kirov took an active part in the creation of the Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies in Vladikavkaz. In the fall of 1917, Kirov became a deputy to the II Congress of Soviets, participated in the October Uprising, and developed the first decrees of the Soviet government. Then S. M. Kirov returned to the North Caucasus again to fight for the establishment of Soviet power there. CM. Kirov led the process of creating the Mountain Autonomous Soviet Republic. Since the twelfth congress of the RCP (b), he has always been elected a member of the Central Committee of the Party.
In February 1926 Kirov returned to Leningrad. A new stage in his life began. For nine years he was at the head of the Leningrad party organization. It was at this time that Kirov's talent as a statesman and party leader was most clearly manifested. Sergei Mironovich solved the main issues related to the reorganization of agriculture and industrialization. He also did not forget about cultural construction. It was during the time of Kirov that Kronstadt became the main base of the Baltic Fleet and the main military port.
December 1, 1934 Kirov was killed. Moreover, the circumstances of this murder have not yet been fully clarified. The death of S. M. Kirov became a fatal and heavy loss for the city on the Neva. Very little time remained before the start of the Great Patriotic War. And the skillful leadership, rich experience and understanding of the situation, which Kirov possessed, would be of the best use to the defenders of Leningrad.