Description of the attraction
The Art Museum in Kamyanets-Podolsk is located on the Armenian Market Square, at 11 Pyatnitskaya Street. It was founded in 1982. Earlier in this building, and it was erected back in 1789-1790, the noble hall and the city theater were located. Later, the Spiritual Orthodox Seminary was located here, founded in 1797 in the city of Shargorod and transferred to Kamenets in 1805. Such famous people as N. Leontovich, M. Dostoevsky, A. Svidnitsky, S. Rudansky and others studied at this seminary. Accordingly, not only the museum's expositions are valuable, but the building itself is a valuable architectural monument.
The collection of the museum has more than 120 thousand exhibits. This museum is one of the leaders on the territory of Ukraine, as one of the richest and most unique. Here are exhibits from the period of the 18-20 centuries. Among them, in addition to paintings and graphics, a collection of sculptures and icons of various religious denominations is exhibited. And since 2008 the Godovanets room-museum has been functioning here.
The main place in the museum is occupied by an exhibition of robots from Western European and Russian masters of fine arts. And the pride of the museum is the collection of paintings by the Ukrainian artist V. Rozvadovsky (early 20th century), by the way, one of the city streets is named after him. Also on a special account are the works of the artist of the 60-70s A. Gren and contemporary Podolsk artists. In one of the halls there is a sculpture "Monk with a basket". Previously, this statue was located in the Peter and Paul Church.