Museum of the history of weapons description and photo - Ukraine: Zaporozhye

Museum of the history of weapons description and photo - Ukraine: Zaporozhye
Museum of the history of weapons description and photo - Ukraine: Zaporozhye
Museum of the History of Weapons
Museum of the History of Weapons

Description of the attraction

The Museum of the History of Weapons is a private museum located in the city of Zaporozhye on Lenin Avenue, 189. The museum's exposition is located in the building of the Diana weapons store. The exposition of the private Zaporozhye Museum of the History of Weapons is based on the personal collection of the entrepreneur V. G. Schleifer.

The Museum of the History of Weapons was founded in 2004. At the time of opening, the museum's collection contained over 2,000 units of firearms and bladed weapons: from weapons of the Stone Age to weapons of the Second World War. The chronological framework of this collection covers a period of time - from ancient times to the middle of the 20th century. By 2008, the number of exhibits had increased to approximately 4 thousand.

Today the Zaporozhye Museum of the History of Weapons is a universal and most complete collection of weapons in the post-Soviet space, exhibited for display. In the process of its creation, Zaporozhye local historians, historians and restorers were involved.

In the private Museum of the History of Weapons, samples of weapons from different times, different countries, peoples and races are compactly presented. The expositions of the museum are arranged according to thematic sections and carry a number of semantic meanings: scientific, economic, cognitive and aesthetic.

In two halls of the Museum of the History of Weapons, with a total area of 100 sq. m., such various types of historical weapons as: pistols, shotguns, machine guns, antique weapons, all kinds of cold and firearms, pneumatic weapons, knives, sabers, swords, chain mail, bayonets, swords, carbines, checkers, checkers, hatchets, combat scythes, stilettos, spears, axes, maces, crossbows, rifles and other types of weapons.

The Zaporozhye Museum of the History of Weapons is the only one in Ukraine and one of the largest among similar museums in Europe.
