On the promised land, in Israel, you can rest all year round. Tourists come here for a variety of purposes, among which the most popular are treatment, beach, pilgrimage and educational tourism. Of course, it is better to prepare in advance for the trip and know the peculiarities of traveling to Israel at any time of the year.
Types of seasons
Depending on weather conditions, the country's calendar year is divided into several periods, when tourists come from everywhere. Conventionally, in the tourism sector of Israel, it is customary to distinguish four seasons, differing from each other in their characteristics.
Beach season
There are four seas on the territory of the country (Dead, Mediterranean, Red, Galilee), and this made it possible to actively develop the tourist destination. As for the Red Sea, the water temperature in the area of its water area does not drop below +20 degrees during the year. Therefore, rest in the resorts of the Red Sea is considered the most relevant among visitors. The coldest period is in January, February and December, and the rest of the time it is quite possible to swim. The exception is the summer months of July and August, when the air in the Red Sea warms up to + 35-40 degrees.
The Mediterranean is colder than the Red. The water in it warms up to a comfortable temperature only at the beginning of June and remains warm until September. However, in the Mediterranean Sea, jellyfish can be found in June and August. This fact should be taken into account when traveling to resorts located on the coast of the second most important sea in the country.
Low season
The flow of tourists decreases sharply when an unbearable heat comes on the territory of the country, reaching +43 degrees. As a rule, this natural phenomenon occurs in July and lasts until the end of August. For those who are contraindicated for prolonged exposure to the sun, it is better to refrain from summer trips to Israel.
The next period of low activity of visitors falls on January and February, since it is in these months that the air and water temperature decreases to + 16-18 degrees. It also periodically begins to rain and strong winds blow. Naturally, in such conditions, you can forget about bathing.
Despite the fact that Israel's beaches are empty in winter, in mid-December and until the end of January, pilgrims try to get into the country in order to inspect local shrines.
Season of excursions and pilgrimages
The country has a significant number of well-preserved attractions, the history of which is steeped in religious themes and the spirit of the past. It is best to get acquainted with the cultural heritage of Israel in late autumn or early spring. During these seasons, the weather is conducive to long walks. Be sure to include places such as Mount Zion in your excursion program; Wall of Tears; Garden of Gethsemane; Nazareth; Bethlehem; Jordan river.
Pilgrimage tours are the main source of income for local travel companies during the period when the beach season is officially closed. Most of the trips are for iconic religious events. However, during such periods, the country is overflowing with those who want to touch the shrines, so be prepared for the fact that on the streets of Israel you will see a huge living mass consisting of pilgrims.
Ski season
An interesting winter vacation in Israel is quite possible. Once in the country in winter, feel free to go to the resort area located near Mount Hermon. You will be pleasantly surprised by the high level of service, the availability of several tracks for professionals and beginners, as well as the rental of new sports equipment. Alternatively, you can take paid lessons from an experienced instructor and try your hand at skiing or snowboarding.
Tired of outdoor activities, take the funicular to the top of the mountain to see the mesmerizing landscapes of winter Israel. In the evening, cafes and restaurants are open on the territory of the resort, where delicious dishes of national cuisine are prepared.
It is worth noting that the resort is closed in summer, as the snow cover on the top of the mountain quickly melts and is not suitable for winter sports. The rest of the time, Hermon's resorts operate as planned, receiving guests from different countries almost every day.
Healing season
It is not a secret for anyone that travelers are constantly visiting Israel in order to restore the body. The unique composition of the Dead Sea water is known far beyond Israel's borders. At the same time, not only water, but also air has healing properties. The healing microclimate attracts tourists all year round.
Wellness programs are developed by medical professionals and include:
- prevention and treatment of skin or neurological diseases;
- full diagnostics on modern equipment;
- a set of procedures aimed at the rehabilitation of patients after surgery;
- recovery procedures.
The advantages of this type of tourism are considered the opportunity to take the program at any time of the year, as well as the possibility of combining treatment with a variety of excursions.
Climate of Israel
Most of the country is dominated by a subtropical climate. In some regions, the influence of a temperate tropical and dry climate is felt. This duality is explained by the peculiarities of the geographical location, the proximity of the sea to a particular territory, the level of humidity and other objective factors.
Spring in Israel
Spring is a great time to travel to Israel, as the air temperature is quite comfortable for long excursions. A spring trip has several advantages:
- the minimum number of rainy days;
- the opportunity to get acquainted with the culture and national cuisine;
- reasonable cost of vouchers.
In March, the air warms up to + 16-20 degrees, and by the end of May the air temperature reaches + 24-28 degrees. The warmest weather is set in the Tel Aviv area and its environs. The sea water becomes warmer with each spring month, and the average temperature of the Red Sea is + 20-24 degrees.
When deciding to travel to Israel in the spring, remember to celebrate Easter in the spring months. There are a lot of tourists during the celebration in Israel, so it is better to buy tickets in advance.
Summer in Israel
In June, the country is under the influence of dry and hot air currents. The air temperature in the first summer month is kept at around + 30-32 degrees and drops slightly only in the evening. In general, June is suitable for beach tourism and is considered one of the most popular months for swimming and sunbathing.
In July, the air warms up to + 32-35 degrees, which, of course, affects the number of tourists. The water is very warm during the summer months, but the active sun sometimes makes it difficult to enjoy your vacation to the fullest. To escape the sun's rays, the management of many hotels installs sun loungers with umbrellas on the beaches.
August is distinguished by the highest air temperatures, reaching + 40-42 degrees. Tourists try to avoid traveling in the last summer month, and this is primarily due to the exhausting heat.
Autumn in Israel
In terms of temperature, September differs from August by several degrees. During the day, the air warms up to + 28-30 degrees, which is comfortable weather for both beach holidays and educational tourism. The water in all waters of Israel is still warm, so you can swim and sunbathe until the end of October.
Mid-autumn is characterized by warm and dry weather and minimal rainfall. Locals call October the “golden month” because of the favorable weather conditions. It is coolest in October in Jerusalem, as the air temperature can drop to +24 degrees.
The first intermittent rains are observed in November. The air gradually cools down and warm weather replaces hot weather. Daytime temperatures can reach + 22-24 degrees, and in some areas drop to +18.
Winter in Israel
The winter period in the country is strikingly different from the Russian winter. In the southern regions of the country in December, the air temperature is about +17 degrees. The only place where negative indicators are possible is Mount Hermon, which attracts tourists with its ski resorts.
Throughout January, Israel receives the highest rainfall and the air becomes humid. At the end of January, the rains gradually stop, and the temperature is set in the region of + 12-15 degrees. The water also cools down by five to six degrees. It is no longer possible to swim in the Mediterranean Sea, and in the Red Sea the water temperature is +21 degrees.
February weather is similar to January, except for fewer days when it rains and blows strong winds.