How to get Belarusian citizenship

How to get Belarusian citizenship
How to get Belarusian citizenship
photo: How to get Belarusian citizenship
photo: How to get Belarusian citizenship
  • How can you get Belarusian citizenship
  • Obtaining Belarusian citizenship by birth
  • Admission to Belarusian citizenship

The Belarusian land was primordially famous for its hospitality, from time immemorial people of different nationalities lived on its territory. The same situation is typical for the modern Belarusian state. Benevolence, striving for peace, socially oriented economy attract many. Therefore, the question of how to obtain the citizenship of Belarus can often be found on the vastness of the world wide web.

We will try to give an extremely clear answer to the question of obtaining Belarusian citizenship, clarify the conditions for admission to citizenship, the requirements for applicants, and mechanisms for resolving the issue.

How can you get Belarusian citizenship

The main normative legal act of Belarus in this matter is, of course, the law adopted in 2002 (with subsequent additions and changes). This important document, called "On the Citizenship of the Republic of Belarus", spelled out the procedure for admission to citizenship, the mechanisms of preservation and termination. Special cases are given that make it possible to obtain Belarusian citizenship.

In the Belarusian state, according to the law, the following grounds for acquiring citizenship are distinguished: birth; admission to citizenship; registration; other grounds. The last point makes it possible to obtain Belarusian citizenship, due to special occasions, as well as on the basis of international treaties that Belarus concludes with other states of the planet.

Obtaining Belarusian citizenship by birth

It is clear that this way of becoming a citizen of the Republic of Belarus is the easiest. To do this, you need to have parents who are citizens of this country, and one parent is enough, and the place of birth in this case does not matter.

Citizenship is also given if the parents are foreigners, and their country does not grant the newborn such a right. A child born in Belarus, whose parents are unknown for some reason, also automatically becomes a new citizen of the Belarusian society.

Admission to Belarusian citizenship

The right to apply independently to the immigration services for admission to Belarusian citizenship begins at the age of 18. The law spells out the basic requirements for a potential applicant, which is interesting, in the first place is the observance of laws and the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus. Further, in the list of important conditions for obtaining the rights of a citizen of the country, you can see:

  • knowledge of the state language within the boundaries necessary for communication;
  • seven-year period of residence in the country;
  • legal sources of livelihood;
  • renunciation of citizenship.

Since Belarus has two state languages, potential applicants are required to know either Belarusian or Russian. The countdown of the period of residence begins after obtaining a special permit, which gives the right to permanently live in the country. Another important point is that trips outside Belarus are possible, but no more than three months during each year (out of the required seven).

The income received by the applicant from legal sources must be at least equal to the minimum subsistence level. This indicator changes regularly, but, in principle, the amount is quite small. If a candidate for Belarusian citizenship has minor children, elderly parents or disabled members, then his earnings must cover the subsistence level of each family member.

The law defines the categories of future citizens for whom the period of stay can be reduced. The list includes ethnic Belarusians, persons who identify themselves as such, who have blood relatives - Belarusians. The period of residence may not be taken into account for persons who have earned the high right to be a citizen of Belarus - who have made important discoveries in science, who have reached the heights in the economy, technology, culture, and sports. The third category includes highly qualified persons who have proven themselves as professionals in a field of public interest for the country.

It is also important to note that, on the one hand, there is a loyal attitude towards potential applicants for Belarusian citizenship. On the other hand, certain categories of persons will never be able to obtain Belarusian citizenship. The list of those who will be denied such a right includes war criminals with a criminal record (before its expiration), suspected of a crime, deported from the country. And even three times bringing to administrative responsibility can become a reason for refusal to obtain rights, at least until the term expires. The service of a person in the police, security, or military service also postpones the acquisition of citizenship.
