Like other ports on the Baltic Sea, the Estonian capital is connected to neighboring countries and cities by ferry connections. A convenient type of freight and passenger transportation is gaining momentum in the world and the Baltic countries are no exception. It is convenient and comfortable to travel even long distances by ferry from Tallinn, and this type of sea travel is most often chosen by passengers with their own vehicles. Modern ferry ships allow to take on board a large number of vehicles, including cargo.
Where can you get by ferry from Tallinn?
Ferry crossings connect the Estonian capital with several seaports of neighboring countries at once:
- Tallinn is only 11 hours away from the Swedish city of Mariehamn. There are daily voyages in the Tallinn seaport schedule, which are operated by an Estonian shipping company.
Ferries from Tallinn go to St. Petersburg for 14.5 hours. The ferry is provided by the carrier St. Peter Line, whose headquarters are located in the city on the Neva.
- The capital of Sweden can be reached with the help of Estonian ferrymen. They connect the shores of the two countries with a daily flight that lasts just over 17 hours.
- It is easy to visit the Finns from Tallinn by sea. The ferry crossing is served by three carriers at once. The journey takes only two and a half hours.
Estonia - Finland: the perfect trip
The ferry crossing between the capitals of the two Baltic states is an ideal way to quickly, conveniently and inexpensively get to the neighboring country. Three carriers guarantee passengers a comfortable and enjoyable journey.
The Finnish shipping concern Viking Line, well-known in the countries of Scandinavia and the Baltic States, has a daily flight to Helsinki at 8.00 in the Tallinn port's schedule. The cheapest ticket price is about 2,000 rubles. The details of booking and the conditions of carriage of passengers can be easily found on the official website of the company - www.vikingline.ru.
Another Finnish maritime concern, Eckerö Line, has been operating flights between Estonia and Finland since 1994. His ships leave Tallinn daily at noon and arrive in Helsinki at 10.30 am local time. The ticket price starts from 1,500 rubles, depending on the class of the cabin or seat. Additional information on the website - www.eckeroline.fi.
And Estonian sea carriers will be happy to help you get to Helsinki. Their ferry runs from Tallinn once a day at 7.30 am. The cost of the most budget travel option for one passenger without a car is 2500 rubles. The website www.tallinksilja.ru contains all the information passengers need.
To the Swedish shores
If you are traveling by car, the easiest way to get from Tallinn to Stockholm is by ferry from the Estonian company Tallink Silja Line. The daily voyage of her ships is carried out at 18.00, reaching the port of destination the next morning at 10.15 local time. The price of a ferry ticket from Tallinn to Stockholm is 14,500 rubles, but it is better to check it on the company's website.
All prices in the material are approximate and given as of July 2016.