Walks in Madrid

Walks in Madrid
Walks in Madrid

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photo: Walks in Madrid
photo: Walks in Madrid

If you ask any person to name a Spanish city, most likely he will name Madrid. Everyone knows that this is the capital of Spain and the Mecca of tourists from all over the world. Why walks in Madrid are so attractive? There are many reasons for this.

Madrid landmarks

This city is the center of Spain in every sense - territorial, political, and cultural, there is something to see here. The names of its streets and squares, where ancient and modern architecture are organically intertwined, sound truly mesmerizing. Let's list some:

  • Puerta del Sol - "Gate of the Sun". Here is the so-called zero kilometer, from where the six main streets of the city originate. The largest shopping centers in Madrid are also located here, so shopping lovers usually start their route from this place.
  • Plaza España - "Plaza of Spain". In its center there is a large swimming pool, and next to it there are benches where everyone can relax after traveling around the city and admire the monument to the great Spanish writer Miguel Cervantes and his most famous heroes: Don Quixote and Sancho Panza.
  • Plaza Mayor - "Main Square" - appeared on the map of the Spanish capital in the 15th century. At first, it was just a city market, but gradually it became a place where all the significant events of the public life of the townspeople took place. It remains so today: meetings are scheduled on the square, festivals and concerts are held, which tourists and townspeople watch, often sitting right on the ground.

Museums and parks

There are many museums in the city, but the real gem is the Prado, which houses the works of the greatest artists in the world: Goya, Velazquez, Bosch, Botticelli, Durer, Rubens. You can visit here with an official tour, or you can wander through the museum halls on your own, enjoying the spectacle of the inimitable masterpieces of the geniuses of the brush and easel. The paintings of the great masters are also in the halls of the Palacio Real - the royal palace built on the site where the Muslim Alcazar castle was located during the Arab rule.

The capital of Spain is one of the greenest cities in the world, and the parks of Madrid are its true decoration. Most of the guests try by all means to visit the botanical garden, located near the Prado Museum. It contains more than 30 thousand samples of the world's flora. The garden was created by order of King Charles III of Spain for the botanical faculty of the University of Madrid.

But talking about walks in Madrid is a thankless task: it is impossible to describe all its advantages in words, just as it is impossible to tell about the scent of a flower from the Madrid Botanical Garden. The city must be seen, heard and felt - not only with the eyes, but with the mind and heart.
