Samara embankment

Samara embankment
Samara embankment
photo: Embankment of Samara
photo: Embankment of Samara

One of the largest cities in the Russian Volga region, Samara is located at the confluence of the river of the same name into the Volga. A major cultural center of the country, the city receives thousands of tourists every year, and its residents call the embankment one of the most important attractions. In Samara, it is the longest in the country among the river embankments, and its length is more than five kilometers. Four sections of the Samara embankment descend to the Volga in the form of terraces, and the beginning of the construction of its first stage took place in the middle of the 19th century.

An excursion into history

It was decided to equip the Volga coast in Samara for a convenient descent to the river in 1853. The allocated money began to be used in the area of modern Ventseka Street, along the way they also equipped the bank of the Samara River along Sobornaya Street. Then, the project for the development of the Samara embankment included the construction of red brick buildings for the Zhigulevsky brewery, which over time turned into a visiting card of the city.

A chapel in honor of the patron saint of the city of Alexy, the Metropolitan of Moscow, soon became the decoration of the embankment, but the main stage of the improvement took place in the 30s of the last century, when the architect Trukhanov developed a project for the creation of a pedestrian zone.

In the list of attractions

The Samara embankment is deservedly called one of the most beautiful in the country. Equipped sandy beaches stretch along the Volga coast, where thousands of city residents sunbathe and swim in summer. Cafes and restaurants on the embankment are open at any time of the year, and the local nightclubs are considered the most popular and fashionable in Samara. In winter, on the embankment you can meet skiers, skaters and even fans of winter swimming - there has been a "walrus" club in the city for decades.

Interesting Facts

  • Residents of the city divide their embankment into old and new.
  • On the Samara embankment, in front of the Parus fountain on the Leningradsky Spusk, a sculptural composition "Barge Haulers on the Volga" is installed. The three-meter bronze easel is adorned with the figures of the heroes of the famous painting by Ilya Repin, a native of the local land.
  • During the May holidays, the season of fountains starts in the city, and some of them are installed on the embankment.
  • Samara became the first Russian city on the banks of which the photo exhibition of the Frenchman Jan Arthus-Bertrand "Earth: a view from heaven" took place. The photographer is famous for his panoramic shots of various parts of the Earth, taken from the air.
