Rest in Karelia with children

Rest in Karelia with children
Rest in Karelia with children
photo: Rest in Karelia with children
photo: Rest in Karelia with children

The Republic of Karelia is an amazing region! Here you can find rest to the liking of romantics, hunters, fans of bike rides, mushroom pickers, and lovers of ancient wooden architecture. Every year more and more families go on vacation to Karelia with children, because the local camp sites and sanatoriums are located in forests and on lakes, which means that close contact with real wildlife is guaranteed for the younger generation.

"Per" …

Travelers who have chosen to rest in Karelia with children can count on many pleasant experiences:

  • These regions are a real paradise for those who consider unity with nature an important part of a good rest.
  • It is quick and easy to get to Karelia by car, and therefore all the local sights will be easily accessible.
  • Many interesting excursion routes will make a vacation in Karelia unforgettable for older children.
  • Active recreation will help improve the health of children, and the treatment programs of local sanatoriums can heal many diseases.
  • Pleasant prices for renting cottages at tourist centers make it possible to go on vacation even for large families.

… or "Against"?

Karelia is a fairly northern region. Even at the height of summer, the water in the local reservoirs does not dispose to prolonged bathing of babies, and night temperatures require a supply of warm clothes. Discomfort can be caused by mosquitoes and midges, which become active in the local forests in May and do not recede until mid-autumn.

Preparing properly

In the tourist luggage for holidays in Karelia with children, you need to find a place for special insect repellents. It is worth stocking up on indoor repellents and thick clothing for walking in the forest. High boots or boots will also not be superfluous, because snakes are often found in the forests, the bites of which, although not dangerous, are very unpleasant. It is worth taking with you antiallergic drugs.

Passwords, appearances, addresses

Many tourist centers are suitable for rest in Karelia with children, but travelers give the best recommendations to the Sandal and Satama complexes. These recreation centers are located on the shores of lakes not too far from Petrozavodsk and are equipped with cottages, playgrounds and have a fairly gentle entrance to the water and a shallow depth near the shore. The administration of the tourist centers helps with the organization of excursions to the most interesting places in the republic.

The resort "Marcial Waters", founded by Peter the Great, is best suited for medical and recreational recreation, and Kizhi and the island of Valaam for sightseeing trips.
