Rest in Belarus in July

Rest in Belarus in July
Rest in Belarus in July
photo: Rest in Belarus in July
photo: Rest in Belarus in July

For many tourists, Belarus is still an "unexplored land", but the country has a fairly high potential for the development of services, many natural and historical monuments. Guests who have chosen a vacation in Belarus in July should not worry about what to do, those who dream of an active pastime will not have a single free second.

The middle of the Belarusian summer will delight you with warm, and in some places hot weather and almost complete absence of rain. Narochansky Reserve with its endless possibilities of ecological tourism, beautiful Braslav lakes, visiting a major cultural festival in Vitebsk will fill your rest with vivid impressions.

Weather in July in Belarus

In this relatively small country, influenced by a temperate continental climate, there are no sudden changes in temperature or rapid changes in other weather conditions. With the arrival of the anticyclone on the Belarusian land, dry, sunny weather will be ensured for a long time.

The average daytime temperature, according to meteorological data, is +22 ° C, at night +12 ° C. Although there can be quite strong fluctuations in one direction or another.

Land of lakes

The territories located in the north of the country are also called the Belarusian Poozerie, no one can count the number of local reservoirs. Among them are the Naroch, and the famous Braslav lakes, and many of the smallest reservoirs, hidden in the most secluded places.

The village of Naroch, in the vicinity of which the most beautiful lake is located, is a recreation area not only for Belarusians, but also for numerous tourists from different countries. In addition to direct recreation by the water, the list of services includes horseback riding, real men's entertainment, such as fishing or hunting.

The nearby village of Myadel attracts lovers of ancient history, as there are many burial grounds, fortified settlements, and mounds in the vicinity.

Major holidays and festivals

July pleases tourists with two of the most ambitious events. Firstly, on July 3, all Belarusians celebrate the Independence Day; the scale of events covers the capital, regional centers, and even small villages. Military parades, concerts, exhibitions and other cultural projects are at the service of local residents and numerous guests.

Secondly, in mid-July, cultural life moves to the north of Belarus, to Vitebsk, where the "Slavianski Bazaar" takes place. During the festival, you can visit a vocal competition of young and young performers, concerts at various venues in the city, exhibition projects, theatrical performances, the city of masters.
