The capital of France is the object of desires of many travelers. Since the time of Henry IV and his famous phrase that this city is worth Mass, millions of people have visited Paris and each of them has a Paris in their memory. The capital of France is beautiful at any time of the year. Its boulevards and squares, cathedrals and avenues are surprisingly harmonious in winter and summer. That is why it is impossible to single out a "high" or "low" season in Paris. It all depends on the capabilities and preferences of the traveler.
About weather and nature
The French capital is located quite close to the sea, but still its climate can be described as temperate. The air currents from the sea and the continent in this region make the summer in Paris warm, the winter mild, the humidity low, and the number of hours of sunshine ample for pleasant walks.
Temperature values during the summer season in Paris reach +28 degrees on the hottest days, and in winter the record minimum looks like +4 degrees. Below zero, the thermometer columns drop slightly and not too often, because the direction of the prevailing wind here is southwest. Snow is extremely rare in winter, and the average number of days in a year when such an opportunity exists does not exceed eleven.
It's time for flowering chestnuts
According to the vast majority of travelers, the best season in Paris is spring. At this time, the city is enveloped in a gentle lilac haze of blooming squares and gardens, and the view from Montmartre bewitches even pragmatists. An active movement of ships along the Seine begins within the framework of the summer schedule, and therefore a water sightseeing tour falls into the plans of a large number of guests of Paris. Night temperatures in April-May do not exceed +12 degrees, and during the day the sun warms the air up to +19.
Golden autumn
The second wave of especially favorable weather for walking covers the French capital in September. The air temperature is kept at comfortable levels of +22 degrees during the day and +11 at night. At this time, a new season opens in the famous French theaters, and cabaret invites regulars and newcomers to the next bright shows. The Luxembourg Gardens are filled with special charm, the air above the Champs Elysees becomes transparent and sonorous. For those who prefer sightseeing tours on special buses, stunning views of autumn Paris open from the top platform, and sales start in shopping centers and boutiques, gaining their main peak by Christmas and New Years.