It would seem that in Russia in November there is nothing but slush and piercing cold, and vacation at this time of year is hopelessly ruined, unless, of course, you go to a warm country like Egypt. But a country with 11 time zones cannot have the same weather in the last autumn month. If you look hard enough, you will find a great place to stay.
The weather in Russia in November in different regions can be diametrically opposite. So, in Siberia, there are already frosts, in the middle lane, autumn is in full swing, and on the Black Sea coast you can lie on the beach and even go into the water for a couple of minutes.
Where to go in November
The main thing on vacation is to change the scenery, to make a trip to those regions where you have never been. Travel agencies offer a lot of tours, both weekend and weekly or more in the cities of Russia.
- The Golden Ring has remained one of the most popular routes for many years. In most cases, this is a bus tour. You can make a trip in the summer, but it is unlikely that in the thirty-degree heat you want to shake for several days in a stuffy bus. And November is perfect for a trip. Outside the window, freezing temperatures, and the bus is warm and comfortable.
- In November, it's time to get acquainted with the sights of Moscow or St. Petersburg. Tour desks offer a variety of bus excursions not to be neglected. But if you want to get to know better, for example, with Peterhof or Kolomna, it is better to go there by public transport and devote the whole day to this pleasant journey. A vacation in Russia in November is a great opportunity to finally see the exhibits of the Hermitage or the Tretyakov Gallery, for which there is simply not enough time in the summer.
- In November, you can enjoy the purest air of Altai or the clear waters of Lake Baikal to your heart's content. And if the purpose of the trip is Karelia, you can also go fishing.
- And what to do if the soul is torn back, on warm summer days, and you could not save up for a vacation in the Canaries or Bali? Go to the Black Sea or the Caucasus. It is no longer possible to swim in the sea, but it is still quite possible to walk along mountain paths or city streets in a T-shirt. In Anapa, Sochi or Gelendzhik, you can go to see the waterfalls or take a cable car ride to the top of the mountain and back.
- In November, the flow of tourists to the Elbrus region and Dombay increases, where everything is ready for skiing. By this time, the snow cover had already completely settled, and lovers of steep and gentle slopes, who missed skiing over the summer, are storming the mountain slopes with enthusiasm.