The beaches of Sozopol attract tourists primarily because they can adapt to the individual needs of each vacationer. Of course, in order to choose a suitable beach, you need to know in advance the peculiarities of rest in Sozopol and soberly assess your financial capabilities. It is noteworthy that vacationers can choose beaches depending on their preferred level of occupancy, as Sozopol offers a truly large variety of proposals for seasonal vacations.
Features of the beaches of Sozopol
In Sozopol, you can find both "wild" beaches untouched by the growing infrastructure and civilization, as well as municipal beaches adapted for civilized recreation. Well-maintained beaches are distinguished by the fact that on their territory, vacationers can find many proposals for active recreation:
- walks on catamarans, boats and ATVs;
- diving and swimming school;
- ubiquitous restaurants and bars;
- pools and spas.
Most of the offers pleasantly surprise with a not too high price, so even owners of an average budget can afford to have fun.
Holidays in the wild
The best sandy beaches of Sozopol are located both within the city and in its surroundings. The choice of a vacationer largely depends on what kind of vehicle he has chosen to travel during his vacation. If you have a car at your disposal, then you can afford to relax on a wild beach, the vast majority of which are located far outside the city limits. People almost never come here, so you can enjoy the unity with nature and the complete absence of any benefits of civilization. Of course, the water on wild beaches is very clean, but it is advisable to explore the unfamiliar bottom before swimming in shoes, before diving into the refreshing water headlong. Trash is almost never cleaned here, and there is no one to follow the bathers, so rest on such a beach requires special attention from the tourist.
Popular beach "Zolotaya Rybka"
A little north of Sozopol is the famous Golden Fish Beach, the size of which amazes all visiting tourists. The length of this beach is more than 5 km, and the width reaches 60 m. It is noteworthy that even these dimensions do not save the beach from the crowds of tourists during the season. A large number of vacationers is primarily due to the fact that it is very convenient to get to the beach from the city, as well as the infrastructure is very well developed, so you can spend a whole vacation here without changing your location. Even surfing enthusiasts will find relevant offers here. Beach equipment is rented, and on the beach there are nice cafes with good prices for national cuisine.