Description of the attraction
Glanagg Castle is located in the federal state of Salzburg, just 6 kilometers south of the center of the city of Salzburg itself. It rises on a hill and is famous for its picturesque views of the surroundings - the castle is surrounded by numerous parks, forests and gardens, spread out at different levels on the slopes of the hill.
The castle itself is a powerful rectangular building, consisting of three floors and covered with a steep roof. The building dates back to the beginning of the XIV century, but the roof was heavily modified in 1920. In the external appearance of the building, it is especially worth noting the central part of the castle, which stands out as a tower.
To the south of the castle is a charming 15th century farmhouse with farmland. A driveway, symmetrically planted with beech trees, leads to it. And the tower, installed at the main gate, was added already in the 18th century.
Initially, Glanagg Castle served as the seat of the Salzburg archbishops. However, pretty soon the palace fell into disrepair, and, starting from the 16th century, it was constantly restored, moreover, at the beginning of the 17th century, all the inhabitants of the building had to be evacuated, as the dilapidated structure was on the verge of destruction. Only at the end of the 18th century, the castle was put in order, and a hunting lodge was also built here.
In 1804, the secularization of church lands took place, and from that moment on, Glanagg Castle changed many owners, among whom it is worth noting Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Tuscany and Elector of Salzburg. However, more modest personalities also lived here - a postmaster and a doctor, whose widow commissioned in 1840 to build a small chapel at the foot of the hill.
From 1896 to the present day, Glanegg Castle belongs to the Austrian noble family Mayr von Melnhof. The palace is a private property and is not open to tourists.