Description of the attraction
The Yb Museum of History and Local Lore is located in the village of Yb, Syktyvdinsky District. It was opened in 1986 on a voluntary basis as an ethnographic museum. The museum was founded by Alexandra Alexandrovna Kuratova, a former teacher and ethnographer, a native of the village. The artists V. N. Ermolin and R. N. Ermolin.
In 1992, the Yb Museum acquired the status of a state one, and since 2006 it has become a branch of the Historical and Cultural Museum of the Syktyvdinsky District. Since 1997, the museum has occupied the building of the parish school, which was built in 1892. Now it is both a museum and a memorial house.
In the fund of the Yb Museum there are more than a thousand exhibits. The main fund consists of 470 items. The collection is replenished annually. Museum staff and students of the village school themselves collected rural household items in the vicinity. The villagers themselves donate their family relics to the museum.
The museum has a permanent exhibition and an exhibition hall. In the hall of ethnography, you can see a unique collection of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. It includes items of economic activity and everyday life of the Komi peoples, their vehicles, household utensils. The museum also recreates the interior of the peasant hut of the Sysolsk Komi. The museum has a rich collection of clay pots. In 1998, a rather interesting object was discovered - a saint.
In the museum, everything is in sight: spinning wheels, clay pots, a loom, a large sleigh, a baby cradle, a homemade crib, an old homespun zipun that protected the peasant from wind and cold, rawhide boots, a violin in a case owned by Edwald Ardt, flax extractor, flax extractor, flax tow samples. Next to each exhibit is the name in Russian and in Komi.
The exposition of the museum presents interestingly the primordial rural occupations - hunting, fishing. Here you can see tops, seines, and numerous other fishing devices.
In the museum you can see such a device for beating grain from straw as chap. And a sieve, made without a single stud, which is a testament to the fine work of the master, which surprises visitors.
The museum has a large exposition of Tula samovars. Many of them are more than a hundred years old, some of them have inscriptions indicating the manufacturer of this or that product.
There is also a Hall of Fame in the museum, where photographs, documents, personal belongings of participants in the Great Patriotic War - people from the village, home front workers, as well as participants in other local wars are placed. The Hall of Glory also contains the Book of Memory of the Yb village, objects that were found by the "North Star" group, which was engaged in excavations at the sites of the battles that took place.
In the exhibition hall, museum visitors can see the works of professional and amateur artists from different regions of Komi. Most of the paintings on the walls of the hall came from the brush of the famous Komi artist Rem Nikolaevich Ermolin. His paintings show different parts of the village.
The museum staff are always happy to offer guests sightseeing tours of the picturesque places of the village, an excursion to the Holy Ascension Church, the Church of Stephen of Perm, the Ascension Chapel, the Chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, as well as to the holy sources located in the vicinity of the village.
There is a local lore circle at the museum, its students are the first assistants in the work of the museum. The group "Poisk" is working in the village, which is working on the creation of the Book of Memory of the village of Yb. In the villages, data has already been collected on 1072 participants in the war, whose names are included in the Book of Memory.