Areopagus hill description and photos - Greece: Athens

Areopagus hill description and photos - Greece: Athens
Areopagus hill description and photos - Greece: Athens
Areopagus Hill
Areopagus Hill

Description of the attraction

The Areopagus, or Hill of Ares, is located northwest of the Acropolis and in ancient times functioned as the highest court of appeal for criminal and civil cases in Athens.

The origin of the name is not exactly known. According to legend, it was on this hill that the trial of the god of war Ares, who was accused of murdering the son of Poseidon, took place. True, he was justified by the advice of the supreme gods. It is believed that it was after this that murder cases began to be heard here. Perhaps it was from here that the hill got its name.

Until the 5th century BC The Areopagus was the city's council of elders, sort of like the Roman senate. As in the Senate, its membership was limited to those in high government positions, the so-called archons. As a rule, membership was for life, new candidates were proposed and elected by the Areopagus. In 594 BC. the power of the Areopagus was limited by the reforms of Solon (Athenian politician, legislator and poet, one of the "seven wise men" of Ancient Greece). And in 462 BC. Ephialtes (the Athenian statesman) carried out a reform, according to which he almost completely eliminated the political power and influence of the Areopagus in favor of the dicasteria (jury). The Areopagus retained only the functions of the Grave Crimes Court. This caused a wave of discontent among the Athenian aristocracy. In the 4th century, the Areopagus received a new function - the investigation of corruption, although the main powers remained with the ecclesia (popular assembly). The Areopagus continued to function well into Roman times.

The term "Areopagus" means a judicial body of aristocratic origin, which later formed the basis of the Supreme Civil and Criminal Court of modern Greece.

This hill is also known for the fact that the Apostle Paul spoke here with his famous speech about the "Unknown God".

Today, the Areopagus is one of the favorite places for tourists, it offers a stunning view of the city and the Acropolis.

