Description of the attraction
The Krynica Zdrój resort offers its guests, in addition to spa treatment, a lot of entertainment, which includes climbing the 741 meter high Park Mountain, towering over the city. At its top, there is a café with an open terrace offering a magnificent view of the city below.
It is easy to climb the mountain: all you need to do is buy a ticket for the funicular, which in 2, 42 minutes lifts everyone to a height of 148 meters. The lower station of the funicular is located on the main pedestrian street Krynica-Zdrój.
It will be possible to descend from Parkovaya Gora on the same funicular or on foot along one of the walking paths laid along the slope of the mountain.
The funicular, or in other words - the cable car - appeared in the fashionable Polish resort in 1937. It was built with funds from the Mountain Railroad in Krynica-Zdrój, which was funded by several organizations, including the Tourism Support League. It is not surprising that many of the projects of this company were aimed at creating a more comfortable atmosphere for recreation, increasing entertainment facilities and infrastructure.
The length of the railway tracks laid to the top of Parkovaya Gora for small trailers was 642 meters. The slope level of the track did not exceed 26%.
The local funicular was built in the likeness of the cable car in Zakopane. The only difference between them is that the trailers in Krynica-Zdrój have a smaller capacity than the trailers in Zakopane. One trailer of Krynitsa can transport 50 people at a time.