Description of the attraction
The Lermontov pump-room is the very first spring discovered in the resort town of Zheleznovodsk. This unique spring is located on the southern slope of Mount Zheleznaya, in the depths of the Kurortny Park, at 12 Lermontov Street.
The source that gave birth to the resort was discovered by the famous Moscow physician F. P. Gaaz. in 1810 In search of this "mysterious" source, hidden by the dense forest of Mount Zheleznaya, Gaaz was assisted by the Kabardian prince Izmail-bey. The source, which later received the name No. 1, was originally named by Gaaz Konstantinovsky in honor of the Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich. The drinking pump room of the spring No. 1 was built in 1916 according to the design of the engineer A. Kuznetsov.
Initially, the water supply inside the pump room was as follows: in the center there was a cabinet with taps in all directions, the water from which flowed into a marble sink. A little later, the water supply was moved from the center to one of the walls of the pump room. In 1954, the pump-room building was glazed.
In 1964, during the jubilee celebrations dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the famous Russian poet M. Yu. Lermontov, source No. 1 was named Lermontovsky. The memorial plaque installed on the pavilion in October 1967 says that "in 1837, the famous Russian poet M. Yu. Lermontov, who was treated in the city of Zheleznovodsk, used the water from this spring". Also, such outstanding people as Tolstoy L. N., Pushkin A. S., Glinka M. I. drank water from this spring. and Balakirev M. A.
The modern Lermontov pump-room is located in a 7-meter semi-rotunda, supported by six Ionic columns, and is a monument of nature and history. The composition of Lermontovskaya water slightly differs from Slavyanovskaya and Smirnovskaya and is supplied to some hospitals and sanatoriums for medical use.