Roscigno description and photos - Italy: Campania

Roscigno description and photos - Italy: Campania
Roscigno description and photos - Italy: Campania

Description of the attraction

Rosinho is a small beautiful town in the province of Salerno, located on the slope of Monte Pruno in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park and famous for its historic center. The city is divided into Rosinho Nuova (or simply Rosinho) - a new settlement, founded after the old one was destroyed during a landslide, and Rosinho Vecchia, 1.5 km from the new area.

Rosinho Vecchia - Old Rosinho is a typical example of a 19th century village that grew up around a central square and church. It stands in the heart of the Cilento Park, surrounded by the hills of the Sammaro Valley. There are no modern buildings and developed infrastructure, instead, there is only the flavor of the past and the unhurried rhythm of life that attracts tourists. At the beginning of the 20th century, when residents moved to Rosinho Nuova after a landslide, the old town was abandoned. Today, this ghost town, declared an eco-museum at the beginning of the 21st century, is open to tourists. Another ghost town is located nearby - the ancient village of Romagnano al Monte. And 2 km from Rosinho, on the Monte Pruno mountain, there is an archaeological site with the ruins of the ancient settlements of the Lucans and Enotra (7th-3rd century BC). In 1938, a tomb was discovered here, called a princely one, in which a huge number of expensive items lay - an Etruscan bronze candlestick, an elegant silver bowl, a silver necklace and a crown. And in the 1980s, during excavations in the district of Cuozzi, the necropolis of the Lucans was found - all this suggests that the territory of Rosinho was inhabited as early as the 5th century BC.

To get acquainted with Rosinho Vecchia, it is worth going for a walk along its streets, along which old walls and buildings rise, stone portals and rural houses are visible, plunging into the atmosphere of the Middle Ages. As a rule, a barn was located on the first floor of a two-story house, and bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room on the second. Today, only one person permanently lives in Rosinho Vecchia - Giuseppe Spagnuolo. In order to preserve the national heritage, the Museum of Peasant Civilization was created in the city, which contains about 500 exhibits and a rich photo archive. The museum's collections are exhibited in six halls, each of which is dedicated to one of the aspects of peasant life - the cultivation of grapes and the production of wine, the collection of olives and the production of olive oil, the breeding of cattle and the production of cheese, cultivation of the land, arable farming, plowing, harvesting, threshing, processing wool, etc.

