Description of the attraction
The Hill of Glory rises not far from the Darsan Hill, which can be reached by cable car from the Yalta embankment. A magnificent memorial complex was built on the top of the hill in 1967. The opening of this complex was planned for the 50th anniversary of the 1917 revolution. The feat of many heroes of the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War is immortalized here. The names of these brave people are closely related to the history of the city of Yalta.
The memorial is an impressive white ring made of reinforced concrete and trimmed with decorative white Inkerman stone. On the back of the ring are carved silhouettes of the heroes of the Soviet Army, partisans, underground workers, and Black Sea sailors. The eternal flame burns in the center of the memorial. The authors of the monument are architects A. V. Stepanov, V. A. Peterburzhtsev, A. A. Popov. It should also be noted that having climbed to the top of the Hill of Glory, you can admire the picturesque view of Yalta and the surrounding area.
In 1973, a stele was fixed at the base of the stairs leading to the top of the hill; its author was the architect P. A. Starikov. The stele faced with granite later became part of the memorial complex on the Hill of Glory. The names of all those who heroically fought for the power of the Soviets during the civil war in Crimea are carved on the granite. Among them are such well-known leaders of the revolution as M. V. Frunze, D. I. The names of the revolutionaries are immortalized on this memorial. O. Bronstein and Yu. A. Drazhinsky, who were cruelly tortured by the White Guards in 1920. The names of political prisoners N. M. Sosnovsky, who headed the Yalta Revolutionary Committee in 1919, and the chairman of the Yalta Revolutionary Committee of the underground P. M. Oslovsky, are also not forgotten.
The inscriptions "Black Seafarers", "Soldiers of the Soviet Army" and "Partisans and underground workers", carved next to the silhouettes of soldiers inside the memorial, serve as a reminder of the perseverance, generosity, courage and self-sacrifice of the heroes of the wars.