Description of the attraction
The village of Lyubytino, Novgorod Region, has become a rather crowded place for some time now. The historically oriented project "Rus Glubinnaya" was launched here. In the near future this village will be the place of creation of a cultural and educational center for the study of culture, life and traditions of the ancient Slavs. The study will be conducted using a progressive, full immersion method. For these purposes, the "Slavic village of the X century" was created. During its construction, the techniques and tools of the tenth century were used, this approach helped to ensure complete realism and maximum correspondence of the buildings being erected.
As a result of the titanic work of a joint team of architects and, of course, archaeologists, a complete design documentation was developed, including detailed drawings of Slavic-type buildings for people, living creatures and the results of economic activities (barns, barns, corrals, cages, dwellings) and description of work methods. When developing the project, the data obtained during archaeological excavations on the territory of the Novgorod region were used.
By the way, the project "Glubinnaya Rus" envisages the reconstruction of not only the appearance of dwellings and outbuildings, but also the complete reconstruction of internal interiors, where copies of tools and household items will be placed.
The work is already underway, experienced craftsmen are doing their work in the same way as they were almost a millennium ago. The bark is cleaned from wooden logs using a special tool - a scraper. Peeled trunks with the help of an ax, almost the only tool that has survived unchanged since those times, are turned into decks. Then they make log cabins, connecting the logs to the castle. Nails, staples and other fasteners are not used at all. For insulation, the walls are caulked with moss, the roofs are covered with birch bark and sod. Carpenters, together with architects, under the strict supervision of historians, have already recreated four dwellings and several outbuildings such as a bakery, a cage, a smithy, a barn and a threshing floor.
But the project will not be limited only to buildings, in the future, it is planned to make it so that every visitor to the newly built village could not only enter any building and touch everything with his hands, but also, putting on clothes of the tenth century, do some homework. For example, make a fire in the oven, try to grind flour with millstones, fan the forge and knock on the anvil with a hammer. In a word, plunge headlong into antiquity.
The location for the project was chosen more than well. Around the "Slavic village" there are ancient monuments of archaeological significance: burial mounds, fortresses, ancient settlements, temples. In the fifties of the tenth century, the Grand Duchess Olga led her squad to these places, leaving an indelible mark on Russian history. She led her soldiers to establish princely power and influence on these lands. It was here that the ancestors of the Slavs united with the Finno-Ugric peoples and laid the foundations for the formation of the ancient Russian people. This land has for every Russian almost the same meaning as Kievan Rus.
Not so long ago, the "Slavyanskaya Derevnya" could be seen only in the Museum of Local Lore in the form of a beautifully made model. Now the layout has grown in size and came to life. The locals are amazed at the beauty and realism that the Slavyanskaya Derevnya acquired. At any time of the year in Lyubytino you can meet guests from all over the Russian Federation. At any time of the year, "Slavyanskaya Derevnya" attracts close attention of people who are not indifferent to their roots, to their history.