Description of the attraction
The Museum of the First Council is located in the city of Ivanovo, at Sovetskaya Street, 27, in a building built in 1904 for the Meshchanskaya Council, a local government body. It was built with money collected by the Ivanovo bourgeoisie, according to the plan of engineer I. D. Afanasyev. It was in this house that from May 15 to May 18, 1905, four meetings of the country's first city-wide Council of Workers' Deputies, formed during the general political strike of local workers, were held.
Since 1919, there were various institutions in the Meshchanskaya council, and later - communal apartments. In 1964, the building passed into the possession of the Regional Department of Culture. Three years later, on November 4, a museum dedicated to the first Soviet of Workers' Deputies was opened here.
In 1981, a re-exhibition was held in the museum. Also, the memorial decoration of the building of the Meshchansky Council of the early XX century, which existed until 1990, was recreated. Then, for several years, the permanent exhibition “Man. Soul. Spirituality . In the late 1990s, the museum was again closed for re-exposure.
2005 marked the 100th anniversary of the events of the First Russian Revolution and the first city-wide Council of Workers' Deputies in the city of Ivanovo-Voznesensk. During these May days, the Museum of the First Council was born for the third time. The new exposition of the museum shows, as impartially as possible, the events that shocked not only the city, but the entire Russian Empire at that time.
During the reconstruction of the museum, materials from the collection of the famous Ivanovo philanthropist and collector Dmitry Gennadievich Burylin, various photographs from private collections, as well as documentary materials from the State Archives of the Ivanovo region were used.
The exposition and exhibition area of the museum is 226 sq.m. The permanent exposition of the museum includes the exposition “And it was!”. In the memorial hall, the atmosphere of the meeting room of the bourgeois council was recreated, where meetings of this organization were organized, topical issues were resolved, and events for children were held.
Tours can be booked at the museum. It also hosts classes and all sorts of events. For example, the museum lesson "Learn to choose!" is a game for children in grades 5-7, helping to make an informed choice of the best and most worthy, based on personal preferences. Educational game "I have the right!" held for students in grades 8-11. During the lesson, actual legal issues are solved within the framework of articles of socio-economic, labor and political law. Every month a museum event "Meetings in the Bourgeois Council" takes place.